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Showing posts with the label bondsanalysis

The Market that Knows All Makes a BIG Prediction for Inflation in 2023

The market that knows all makes a big prediction for inflation in 2023. Rising inflation has been a major worry in 2022. But are there any signs that inflation is coming under control and that it could be peaking? That is why we are going to look at the chart of the bond market as it can provide us important clues regarding inflation. Are bonds (or TLT) giving us information that inflation could drop in 2023? We look at the charts. #inflation #bonds #alessiorastani For membership (including the 3 months extra offer): For Charlie Burton's 30 day free trial of gold membership: For more visit: Subscribe: 🔔Make sure to enable ALL push notifications!🔔 Watch the NEWEST videos: Follow Alessio Rastani​: Twitter: ​ Watch more Alessio Rastani​: Expert Interviews: Important Videos: Latest Videos: Popular Videos: DISCLAIMER and RISK WARNING: Trading has large potential rewards and also large potential risks. You must be aware of the ri...