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How Reverse Rollovers Work

What is a reverse rollover, and why might you roll an IRA into a 401(k) or 403(b) account? The term refers to moving money in a way that’s different from what happens most frequently. At some point, people often move money out of their workplace retirement plans—and into an IRA that they control. There are pros and cons of doing that, and of course, you want to review your options carefully before making any moves. 🌞 Subscribe to this channel (it's free): But there may be good reasons for moving money in the opposite direction: From an IRA to your 401(k) or similar plan. When you do that, you can potentially eliminate pre-tax IRA balances, which could help you manage RMDs (by postponing them, at least) or do backdoor Roth conversions. Get free retirement planning resources: 🔑 9 Keys to retirement planning 🐢 6 Safest Investments There may be other reasons for reverse rollovers, as well. For instance, maybe you’re going to leav...