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Showing posts with the label centralbankdigitalcurrencyeffect

Join Adam Taggart, David Morgan, and Russell Gray for the 2023 Inflation Investing Summit

#2023InflationInvestingSummit #bestinvestmentstrategy2023 #centralbankdigitalcurrencyeffect Free Inflation Special Report Get on our upcoming deals list! 2023 Inflation Investing Summit With Adam Taggart, David Morgan and Russell Gray I invited 3 experts to discuss/debate this topic. Adam Taggart - He is the CEO of Wealthion and the co-author of Prosper. After working for 30 years on Wall Street and Silicon Valley, He ejected to the countryside and co-founded a company built around his life's mission. Adam is passionate about personal finance and democratizing economic literacy - as he believes the vast majority of people are unprepared for the severe repercussions in store after several decades of unsustainable financial and monetary policy practiced by most governments, compounded by accelerating depletion of key natural resources around the globe. David Morgan - David is a widely recognized analyst in the precious metals industry and consults for hedge funds...