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Showing posts with the label communication

Enabling Advisors to Provide Advisory Services for 401(k) Assets

Enabling advisors to offer advisory services on 401(k) assets - Mike Row, CRO of Future Capital, on The Customer Wins with Rich Walker Full Episode: ... ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT: 401k Plans REVEALED: Best Investment During Inflation HOW TO INVEST IN GOLD: Gold IRA Investing HOW TO INVEST IN SILVER: Silver IRA Investing Enabling Advisors to Offer Advisory Services on 401(k) Assets The landscape of retirement planning has evolved significantly over the years, with 401(k) accounts becoming one of the most prominent retirement savings vehicles for employees. These accounts offer individuals a chance to invest in their future with contributions from both the employee and the employer, often accompanied by tax benefits. However, navigating and managing these complex retirement plans can be overwhelming for many account holders, creating a demand for advisory services. Financial advisors play a crucial role in helping individuals make informed ...

Thordis Elva and Tom Stranger: Unveiling Our Tale of Rape and Reconciliation

In 1996, Thordis Elva shared a teenage romance with Tom Stranger, an exchange student from Australia. After a school dance, Tom raped Thordis, after which they parted ways for many years. In this extraordinary talk, Elva and Stranger move through a years-long chronology of shame and silence, and invite us to discuss the omnipresent global issue of sexual violence in a new, honest way. Note: Comments are disabled for this video because YouTube's comment moderation tools are not up to the task of maintaining a quality discourse here. You are welcome and invited to comment on the talk at TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). Look for talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more. Find closed captions and translated subtitles in many languages at...

Expert Tips for Rebuilding Trust and Strengthening Your Bond: The Ultimate Guide to Fixing Your Marriage #shorts

Fix Your Marriage Expert Tips to Rebuild Trust and Strengthen Your Bond #shorts Has your marriage hit a rough patch? Are you struggling to regain the trust that was lost? In this video, we'll share expert tips and advice on how to fix your marriage and rebuild the bond between you and your spouse. From communication strategies to forgiveness techniques, we'll cover it all. It's never too late to work on your relationship and create a strong foundation for your future together. #marriageadvice #relationshipadvice #marriagecounseling #fixingrelationships #rebuildingtrust #communication #forgiveness #strengtheningbonds #marriagetips Free training to have your spouse CRAVING you and CHASING after you, even if they want out or won’t talk to you! Can't get enough of this topic, watch this ➡️ FREE GUIDE + TRAINING 📝 Download Now! ➡️ ✍️ Take this quiz and instantly find out whether you can get your spouse back and how much ...

Is it Possible for Short Men to Attract Attractive Women? Tips on Dating with Celina Bond

WEBSITE IS LAUNCHED WWW.CELINABOND.COM Can short guys get hot girls? Why do girls care about height on Tinder? Why do women like taller men? How can a shorter guy get a hot/taller woman? All of these questions answered in the video above! I'm Celina Bond and I'm a dating and relationship coach for men. I primarily started helping women and friends around me get the guy, until I realized there are sooooo many men out there that need help communicating with these hot girls, including getting ADVICE FROM A GIRL THATS NOT A FRIEND. Your girls as friends will NOT help you get the girl....they will tell you what you want to hear, and that not going to be WHAT YOU NEED TO HEAR. Search for Celina Bond on Facebook for more content on how to improve your Tinder profile to get EXACTLY what you want! Communicate better with women and improve your chances of hooking up, having fun, dating, building relationships and finding the love you desire. NEXT VIDEO: DO WOMEN ONLY L...

Best Effective Communication Tips for your Team | Avoiding Silo Effect

Effective communication is essential for any successful team. In this video, I'll provide you with the best effective communication tips for your team and avoid the silo effect. The silo effect is when different parts of the team start to develop their own unique way of working, and it can lead to problems. I'm going to give you some effective communication tips to help you avoid the silo effect, and help your team work better together. I'll provide you with the tools and techniques you need to ensure your team is working together in harmony.❤️ I'll also discuss the importance of team communication, How to do workplace communication, effective communication skills and tips, defeat silo mentality, how to avoid the silo effect in the workplace, details about leadership, leadership coaching, leadership training, women's leadership, How to communicate with your team, and how to improve communication skills. So if you're looking to improve your team commun...

Survival is an Ugly Beast (Full Episode) | Doomsday Preppers

Rob has most of his prepper boxes checked. But in order to protect his family from Doomsday marauders, he is devising the ultimate booby-trap system. ➡ Subscribe: ➡ Get more Nat Geo Full Episodes: ➡ Get more Nat Geo Wild Full Episodes: And check out more National Geographic series and specials here: ➡ Disney Plus: ➡ Hulu: ➡ NGTV app: ➡ ABC app: #FullEpisode #DoomsdayPreppers #NationalGeographic Get More National Geographic: Official Site: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: TikTok: Tenor: About National Geographic: National Geographic is the world's premium destination for science, exploration, and adventure. Through their world-class scientists, photographers, journalists, and filmmakers, Nat Geo gets you closer to the stories that matter and past the edge of what's possible. Survival is an Ugly Beast (Full Episode) | Doomsday Preppers National Geographic ... ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT: Retirement P...

When Your Partner Feels Like a Roommate

Have you ever felt like your partner is more of a roommate than a romantic partner or spouse? Maybe you two make a fantastic team - getting the laundry done, going to the grocery store, getting the kids to and from school - but it doesn’t feel like a relationship. Psychotherapist Mary Jo Rapini talks about what happens when you feel emotionally checked out of the relationship. Download the podcast: Reaction Reset is a self-help series that explains the psychology behind why we react negatively and how we can begin to make a positive change. Subscribe for a new episode every other Wednesday! Visit my website for more help: Follow me on social media: Twitter: Facebook: Tumblr: Instagram: ... ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT: IRA Accounts CONVERTING IRA TO GOLD: Gold IRA Account CONVERTING IRA TO SILVER: Silver IRA Account REVEALED: Best Gold Backed IRA