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Showing posts with the label doesitwork

dividend investing does not work (BECAUSE OF INFLATION)

Dividend investing simply does not work! With the historical rate of inflation hovering around 3% per year (looking at 1913 - 2013), inflation simply eats away at one's dividend income (since many stocks I buy pay a starting yield of around 3%). Just kidding! Of course this is not the case. However, I receive this comment all the time, and many people believe this myth. Today's video looks at dividend growth investing versus inflation and shows why dividend investing works despite inflation. Today's investing video gets a bit technical with some specific models. In an effort to make things simple (and based on long-time subscriber request), I'm thrilled to share with you my dividend investing Excel model today. You can download the model and follow along here: I start out today with a discussion of historical inflation. Personally, I think inflation is more in the 2% range. That said, I am willing to take 3% for the purposes of this video to be conservative...