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Carl Fischer from CamaPlan on Self Directed IRA's | Episode 317

David Dodge invites Mike Kitko to today's episode. Mike is a speaker, published author, and executive self-mastery coach. In St. Charles, Missouri, Mike lives with his wife, their two daughters, two dogs, and two cats. He is also a Marine with an MBA. Today, David and Mike Kitko will discuss how to master yourself and the importance of having a positive mindset. If you resonate with Mike's message and want to connect, you can contact him via his website, Discount Property Investor Website & Podcast: Free Real Estate Courses! Use the TOOLS that David & Mike use in their Real Estate Investing Business: For weekly Real Estate Tips & Tricks Text "TIPS" to (314) 328-7727 #discountpropertyinvestorpodcast #realestateinvesting #realestatepodcast #discountpropertyinvestor #davidadodge #mikeslane #carlfischer #IRA #camaplan #selfdirected... ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT: IRA Accounts TRANSFER IRA TO GOLD: Gold IRA Account TRANSFER...