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Showing posts with the label canitakemypensionbefore55

Is it possible to withdraw my pension early? - A Beginner's Guide to Pensions

Early pension release means withdrawing money from your pension before the minimum age of 55, or 57 by 2028. Unless you have exceptional circumstances, such as ill health, you’ll be charged a substantial amount of tax on your withdrawal, and could risk losing all of your savings to scammers. Personal finance journalist and money blogger Faith Archer explains the rules around early pension release, and what to watch out for so you don't get scammed. Visit our Pensions Explained Centre for more information on early pension release and taking your pension: Sign up today: (capital at risk) * Please like, share and subscribe if you like what we're doing! Share your thoughts in the comments box below. PensionBee makes it easy to stay on top of your pension and take back control of your personal finances. Check out our plans and learn more about what we do at: (capital at risk) Read our blog for money saving tips, pensions info, and more: ... ( read more ) ...