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Showing posts with the label bestetfsfor2020

The Best 5 High Growth Vanguard ETFs to Invest in 2020

Watch the updated video for 2022: In this video, we are going over the TOP 5 Vanguard ETFs that you can buy in 2020! I am a huge fan of index funds (and so is Warren Buffet), and these particular ETFs have historically performed extremely well and I believe will grow a ton in the future too. Vanguard has some of the best ETFs available, and we'll be analyzing a list of 5 high growth Vanguard index funds that I recommend. Watch until the end to get the inside scoop on each of these these. ► Get 4 Free Stocks on WeBull (valued up to $1650 when you deposit $5): ► 1 FREE Stock with Robinhood: ► Open a Roth IRA: ► 8.6% APR Savings Account: ► Learn how to build a profitable YouTube channel: Some of these ETFs are more specialized and some are more broad market, so if you invest in all or some of these you should do quite well in terms of diversification. We'll go through price charts, portfolio allocations, key stats, and more. I'll be going through these po...