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Calculating Military Retirement: Understanding the Computation of High-36, CRDP, VA Disability, and the 20 Year Rule

​ @blackhawkbryan 👉 GET INSTANT ACCESS TO MAX VA Disability: 👍 LIKE me on Facebook: 👍 Follow me on Twitter: Military Retirement High 36 + CRDP + VA Disability. What are the rules and how they are computed. Knowledge is Power! Let me empower you! Black Hawk Bryan "SHOWS" you were the rules are regarding military retirement pay, how the High 36 is computed and how does CRDP (Concurrent Retirement Disability Pay) come into play. Please, watch my video on CRDP. MAX VA Disability with Black Hawk Bryan has over 70 videos that explain VA Benefits, VA Compensation, VA Disability, VA Education, VA Combined Ratings, VA Spouse and Dependent Benefits. VA Disability Compensation 100% P&T, Increase VA Rating, Secondary Conditions, New VA Claim, Appeals, VA Pension, Supplemental Claims, Higher Level Reviews, VA 55 years old rule, Chapter 35 VA Benefits, VA claims, COLA, and more. all links below: ... ( read more ) ...