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Showing posts with the label blendedretirementsystem

Decoding Military Blended Retirement (BRS)

Military Blended Retirement (BRS) Explained In this video we explain the blended retirement system for the military. We go over both roth tsp and traditional tsp and how they apply to the brs retirement. Investing in the thrift savings plan while in the military is now part of your military retirement, so we wanted to make it easier to understand your brs pension. Military TSP - Thrift Savings Plan Explained: _________ We teach you what you need to know about your personal finances, using words you understand, without boring you to death... because adulting shouldn't suck. Rethink Financial Education Learn more at Say Hi on Social: Instagram: Facebook: #militaryretirement #blendedretirementsystem #rethinkfinancialeducation ... ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT: Thrift Savings Plans REVEALED: Best Investment During Inflation HOW TO INVEST ...

Securing Your TSP Amidst a Stock Market Recession

People are selling their investments off like crazy, so it's safe to ask yourself if there is anything you can do to protect your Thrift Savings Plan (TSP). It is possible to move your funds from the C Fund or S Fund into the much safer G Fund, but is it truly worth it after all the recession-related sell-offs in the last month? I'm not a financial expert, but if I could go back to February 19th, I would have move all my money from the C and S Funds into the G Fund to protect my retirement investments. But because I didn't at the time, I've lost nearly $30,000 as the NASDAQ, S&P500, and Dow took a nose dive into unprecedented losses. So is it too late? The market movers and shakers are creating an incredibly volatile market right now, but it's possible that indexes like the S&P 500 will reset and rebound based on the pending fiscal and economic stimulus bill that is sitting with the Senate right now. If you're still interested in transferr...

Which TSP Investment Offers the Best Returns in 2021?

What is the best TSP to invest in 2021? For retirement planning, you may hear about 401(k)s. Yet, if you're working as a military or federal employee, you will not get a 401(k). Click here to learn more = To solve this, you can have a Thrift Savings Plan to prepare for your future. The key to having a good TSP investment is by investing consistently and choose the right fund to bring you long term wealth. If you're new in the investment, the schemes of the Thrift Savings Plan are easy. You may ask what is the best TSP to invest? Let's check this out. What is the best TSP to invest? It depends on what you want to prepare for in the future. The L fund will be a great idea if you know what year you will be retired. Yet, there are several other alternatives to help you gain more benefits from the investment, one of them is gold investment. Visit article post here = #besttsptoinvestin2021 #besttsptoinvest #goldinvestment... ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT...

"The Blended Retirement System and the Thrift Savings Plan: Exploring Episode 0020"

References: The Uniformed Services Blended Retirement System ( DOD Implementation of the Blended Retirement System ( BRS Implementation Timeline ( Are You Opt-In Ready? ( BRS Infographic – Active Component ( BRS Infographic – Reserve Component ( Value of a Retirement Point Chart for 2017 (Legacy System) ( Value of a Retirement Point Chart for 2017 (Blended Retirement System) ( TSP Under the Blended Retirement System ( Marine Online (USMC) ( Global Pay Self Service (Coast Guard) ( MyPay ( Thrift Savings Plan Website ( Related YouTube Episodes: What is the Blended Retirement System? ( What Will the Blended Retirement System Do to My Pension? ( Myths About the Blended Retirement System ( Career Continuation Pay Under the Blended retirement plan ( An Introduction to the Thrift Savings Plan ( Let’s Talk About the Funds in the Thrift Savings Plan - Part 1 ( Let’s Talk About the Funds in the Thrift Savings Plan - Part 2 ( Related Podcast Episodes: What is the Blended Retirement S...

"Reasons Why TSP Lifecycle Funds are Poorly Performing"

Please Like, Comment, and Share my videos! 🔔 SUBSCRIBE HERE 🔔 Check out my complete playlist on TSP investing: 👇 👇 Watch My Other Videos Here 👇 👇 ★ Know Your TSP - The Thrift Savings Plan Investment Funds G/F/C/S/I ★ GET OUT of the G Fund - Maximizing Your TSP ★ ROTH TSP vs Traditional TSP - Which is Better? 📷 📷 My YouTube Equipment 📷 📷 ► My Camera 👉 ► My Wide-Angle Lens 👉 ► My Shotgun Microphone 👉 ► My Lighting 👉 ► My Light Diffusers 👉 ► My Tripod 👉 ================ 📚 📚 Books That Changed My Life 📚 📚 📗 How to Win Friends & Influence People 👉 📕 Dumbing Us Down 👉 📘 Quiet - The Power of Introverts 👉 📒 A People’s History of the United S...

Opting into BRS can earn you Free Money $ in your Thrift Savings Plan (TSP)

Mitchell Hockenbury explains in plain English how to get free money $ in your TSP (Thrift Savings Plan) if you Opt-In to BRS. Begin to save at least 5% of your base pay into the TSP and you will get a matching 5% from the government. This is vital to beating the legacy pension. ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT: Thrift Savings Plans REVEALED: Best Investment During Inflation HOW TO INVEST IN GOLD: Gold IRA Investing HOW TO INVEST IN SILVER: Silver IRA Investing If you are a member of the U.S. military, then you may be eligible for a Thrift Savings Plan (TSP). This retirement savings plan has become more lucrative since the implementation of the Blended Retirement System (BRS). One of the most significant benefits of opting into the BRS is the potential for Free Money $ in your TSP. Under the BRS, eligible service members can receive matching contributions from the government, up to a maximum of 5%. To take advantage...

Military BRS 2019: Investing Advice for Thrift Savings Plan from Warren Buffet

This is simple and easy advice from Warren Buffet on how to invest for the long term. This system in TSP the thrift savings plan investing path is actually slightly better than the blanket advice given. This system works even better in the BRS blended retirement system that most are now enrolled in. This is basic investing advice that can be used even without the TSP or in the BRS program. Help this channel grow by supporting it on Patreon! It uses the G fund and the C fund and takes less than ten min to set up. If you need help navigating the site here is a link to an in-depth guide to working the site. To check out more money recall videos ... ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT: Thrift Savings Plans REVEALED: Best Investment During Inflation HOW TO INVEST IN GOLD: Gold IRA Investing HOW TO INVEST IN SILVER: Silver IRA Investing There are few people in the world of finance as famous and respected as Warren Buffet. The investment guru has made cou...

Episode 0011 -Let’s Talk About the Funds in the Thrift Savings Plan - Part 2

References: Global Pay Self Service (Coast Guard) ( MyPay ( Marine Online (MOL) ( Thrift Savings Plan Website ( TSP Fund Comparison Matrix ( Summary of the Thrift Savings Plan ( Related YouTube Episodes: Episode 0008 – An Introduction to the Thrift Savings Plan ( Episode 0010 – Let’s Talk About the Funds in the Thrift Savings Plan – Part 1 ( Related Podcast Episodes: Podcast Episode 0006 – An Introduction to the Thrift Savings Plan ( Podcast Episode 0009 – Let’s Talk About the Funds in the Thrift Savings Plan – Part 1 ( Related Articles: An Introduction to the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) ( Let’s Talk About the Funds in the Thrift Savings Plan - Part 1 ( Legal Disclaimer: R.C. Retirement is not recognized or endorsed by the Department of Defense, the Department of Veterans Affairs, or any government agency and is for informational and entertainment purposes only. The content on this site should not be considered professional financial advice. References to third party produ...

Thrift Savings Plan: (Two Misconceptions) Redefine Your Retirement

You ever thought about how your old ass is going to survive when you're 75? Do you want to be a little bit taller? Do you want to be a baller? Do you want to have a girl who looks good? You could call her. Do you wish you had a rabbit in a hat with a bat and a Six Four Impala? Well you're not gunna get there unless you start planning early. In this video we do a number breakdown to show just how powerful the TSP is, why you should be investing early on, and why it's not the pot at the end of the rainbow like so many people think it is. Take a seat, grab a strong drink, and support LFTB by buying pictures of our feet! Yeet! $20/month unlimited access. Follow our FB or IG group to get weekly quick tip videos about different benefits: Facebook: IG: ----5 TSP Funds (technically 6 with the L Fund, but F that)---- G & F: Bonds - Low return but you're getting a same investment. Straight to the point though.. it's not worth it. Not unless you're...