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Showing posts with the label bondmarket

The Brexit Saga Unveiled: Concealing Ongoing Bank Bailouts

Use promo code maneco64 to get 0.5% discount at Support the channel: maneco64 store: EOS: gmytknjugyge BITCOIN: 1AkNoKzbZXJ75BbeGkD2ekUDJQNWDrBgMA BITCOIN CASH: qzfcsu05c9ephzv8qzl7ysvn4lfclzneescfhre4r5 ETHEREUM: 0xfffd54e22263f13447032e3941729884e03f4d58 LITECOIN: LY6a8csmuQZyCsBZbLDTQMRuyLdsW9g2na DASH: XgCTCWb... ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT: Bank Failures REVEALED: Best Investment During Inflation HOW TO INVEST IN GOLD: Gold IRA Investing HOW TO INVEST IN SILVER: Silver IRA Investing Title: Brexit Saga: A Cover for Continued Bank Bailouts Introduction: Brexit has been an ongoing saga that has grabbed the headlines across the globe for years. While the debate has primarily revolved around economic, political, and social implications, one often overlooked topic is the potential fallout for the banking sector. As negotiations and uncertainties persist, some experts argue that Brexit could serve as a convenient cover for continued bank bailo...

Revamping Asset Allocation for Retirees and Preretirees in Light of Increasing Yields

Financial planning expert Michael Kitces weighs in on whether higher bond and cash yields suggest that retirees and preretirees should hold more in those asset classes. 00:00 Introduction 00:28 Higher Yields and Asset Allocation Credit-Sensitive Bonds How Does Inflation Affect Asset Allocation? TIPS and the Bond Market Our guest for the video, “How Rising Yields Should Affect Asset Allocation for Retirees, Preretirees” is Michael Kitces. He is a financial planning expert and the head of planning strategy for Buckingham Strategic Wealth, co-founder of XY Planning Network and AdvicePay, and is the Chief Financial Planning Nerd for the advisor education platform and the Nerd’s Eye View blog. What to watch from Morningstar. 3 Pillars of Financial Wellness Why Bear Markets Can Be a Good Time to Invest Planning to Retire Soon? Flexibility and Spending Count Morningstar Investment Conference: Recession Risks and the Markets Read what...

rewrite this title TLT ETF: Best Investing Opportunity Of 2023

TLT ETF is a long duration treasury bond ETF. Two short-term factors potentially lowering the price of TLT will be discussed. #TLT #TLTSTOCK #TLTETF #tltetfanalysis #tltetfprice #tltpriceforecast #tltpriceprediction #treasurybills #treasuries #bondmarket #bondinvesting #tltabuy #buytlt #stockmarket #stocks #inflation #recession2023 #jeromepowell #federalreserve #stockcrash #economy #useconomy #bearmarket #stockstobuynow #news #usa #america #bullishbounce #howtobuybonds #howtoprofitfrombonds #isitagoodtimetobuybonds If you wish to contribute to my ability to make YouTube my main career and gain access to Q&A then please become a Patron for $4 USD a month: To gain access to my Q&A, BEGINNER'S, & CHINA investing courses they are also on Patreon for $5 USD a month, why not binge them all: Every view, like, sub, and Patron helps me in my mission to build a financially free community of like-minds. Feel free to join early in the journey! SUBSCRIBE to help...

JPM Forecasts US Bank Bailouts to Potentially Exceed $2 Trillion.

As the world wakes up to the news that Credit Suisse is receiving a $50 billion bailout from the Swiss National Bank, JP Morgan today announced that the US Bank Term Funding Program (BTFP) could inject as much as $2 trillion of reserves into the US banking system. This is fine. Support the Channel on Patreon: Join My Discord for More Discussion, Q&A, and News: Affiliate Links: Use this link to get $10 in free Bitcoin with Swan: The Ledger Nano X: My favorite Hardware Wallet for Cold Storage of Crypto Assets: Save $50 Crypto Tax Preparation with Pro Bitcoin Solutions: Recommended reading (Amazon Affiliate links): Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki: Atomic Habits by James Clear: Why We Need The Fed (blank gag book) by Joe Brown: Follow me on Twitter: Follow me on Gettr: Follow me on Gab: Follow me on Reddit: #BankCollapse #CreditSuisse #FinanceNews... ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT: Bank Failures REVEALED: Best Investment During Inf...

Necessary Tactics for Safeguarding Aginst Inflation That You Must Apply Currently

#timprice #bonds #gold #stockmarket #inflation #howtoinvest #stockmarketcrash #bondmarket #inflationexplained #hyperinflation #usdollar #goldprice #inflationeconomics #howtoinvestmoneyuk You Need to Implement these inflation Protection Strategies Today Dave Russell of GoldCore TV interviews #TimPrice of Price Value Partners. Tim is convinced that the current inflationary pressures are simply the beginning and that a new monetary system is on the horizon. Highlights from the interview: What is the correlation between money supply and #inflation? For a long time, we've had benign inflation, but a confluence of factors is now causing a surge in prices. So, what's next? Why will gold be a prime beneficiary of inflation? The implications of rising inflation for the stock market. Will there be dissatisfaction in the currency market, causing the dollar to lose value? With all the US sanction policy against Russia, has the US shot itself in the foot? So, how does ...

Is a Backdoor Roth IRA Worth the Hassle? | Portfolio Rescue 63

On episode 63 of Portfolio Rescue, Ben Carlson and Duncan Hill are joined by RWM CFO, Tax Ninja, and PR all-time-leading contributor Bill Sweet, to discuss how to invest in bonds, RMD calculations, the new Roth rule, and much more! Submit your Portfolio Rescue questions to! ►00:00 - Intro ►02:20 - Deconstructing 30-year stock market returns. ►09:03 - How to invest in bonds. ►15:30 - RMD calculations. ►20:44 - Backdoor Roth IRA. ►25:19 - The new Roth rule. 👕 Check out The Compound shop: 🎙️ Listen to our podcasts: The Compound and Friends: Animal Spirits: Portfolio Rescue: Talk with us about your portfolio or financial plan here: Check out Ritholtz Wealth's automated investing platform, Liftoff: Instagram: Twitter: Tik Tok: Facebook: Investing involves the risk of loss. This podcast is for informational purposes only and should not be regarded as personalized investment advice or relied upon for investm...

THE ECONOMY - Bonds Flash Warnings... Does Anyone Care? - PART 2

#THEECONOMY #BondsFlash #Bonds #Bondprices #YieldBond #Globalinflation Bond prices, yields are flashing warning signs and that too very blatantly. Yields are rising and there is a sense of serious concern encompassing the markets. However, the question Mark asks in this segment is that, does anyone care? Primary Vision is now offering a subscription service to the Primary Vision Research Portal with both complimentary and paid tiers available. The complimentary tier will offer access to our YouTube content, program highlights and our National Frac Spread Count. The paid tiers will offer access to our commentary, insights, data, Frac Spread Count products and so much more in the coming months. Email us here at: for a free sample! Get started today: ➔ Topics Covered: THE ECONOMY Bonds Flash Bonds Flash Warnings Bonds Flash Warnings Economy U.S. Bonds Flash Warning Sign U.S. Bonds Flash Bond Market Bond market flashes High yield bonds flash...

The Market that Knows All Makes a BIG Prediction for Inflation in 2023

The market that knows all makes a big prediction for inflation in 2023. Rising inflation has been a major worry in 2022. But are there any signs that inflation is coming under control and that it could be peaking? That is why we are going to look at the chart of the bond market as it can provide us important clues regarding inflation. Are bonds (or TLT) giving us information that inflation could drop in 2023? We look at the charts. #inflation #bonds #alessiorastani For membership (including the 3 months extra offer): For Charlie Burton's 30 day free trial of gold membership: For more visit: Subscribe: 🔔Make sure to enable ALL push notifications!🔔 Watch the NEWEST videos: Follow Alessio Rastani​: Twitter: ​ Watch more Alessio Rastani​: Expert Interviews: Important Videos: Latest Videos: Popular Videos: DISCLAIMER and RISK WARNING: Trading has large potential rewards and also large potential risks. You must be aware of the ri...

How Do I Protect Bond Investments During Inflation?

You have questions, Tom has answers! Send us topics and questions at or email us at Visit Our Website: To book an introductory meeting with Tom: Tom Vaughan is a Certified Portfolio Manager and CEO of Retirement Capital Strategies. Retirement Capital Strategies is a registered investment advisor located in San Jose, California. DISCLAIMER: The opinions voiced in these presentations are for general information only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual(s). The information provided herein is obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but no reservation or warranty is made as to its accuracy or completeness. Tom Vaughan and Retirement Capital Strategies are not responsible for investment actions taken by viewers. For more details, please read our full disclaimer at #investmentincome #retirementplanning #retirementsavings #retirementgoals #investmentstrategy #talkmoneywithtom #investing #...

Are Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities a Good Bet?

You have questions, Tom has answers! Send us topics and questions at or email us at Visit Our Website: To book an introductory meeting with Tom: Tom Vaughan is a Certified Portfolio Manager and CEO of Retirement Capital Strategies. Retirement Capital Strategies is a registered investment advisor located in San Jose, California. DISCLAIMER: The opinions voiced in these presentations are for general information only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual(s). The information provided herein is obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but no reservation or warranty is made as to its accuracy or completeness. Tom Vaughan and Retirement Capital Strategies are not responsible for investment actions taken by viewers. For more details, please read our full disclaimer at #investmentincome #retirementplanning #retirementsavings #retirementgoals #investmentstrategy #talkmoneywithtom #inve...

117 TIP: Investing Legend Bill Miller on Apple, Amazon, Tesla, and Bonds

In this week’s episode, Preston and Stig interview investing legend, Bill Miller. Bill has managed more than 75 billion dollars and has achieved some of the biggest titles in finance. He's the former Chairman and Chief Investment Officer for Legg Mason Capital Management. Bill talks to Preston and Stig about the current market conditions, how he thinks about determining the value of a company, among many other topics. Be sure to tune-in and hear his thoughts on big companies like Apple, Amazon, Tesla, and much more. IN THIS EPISODE, YOU’LL LEARN: - Why Bill thinks some value investors miscalculate the value of Amazon. - Why billionaire macro investors think that bond yields might go to 6% in 12-24 months. - If the Enterprise Multiple is the best key ratio to filter stocks by. - Why Bill thinks Apple was a bad capital allocator and how they have improved since. - How Bill views the value of Tesla at the end of 2016. Subscribe to the We Study Billionaires podcast show: ...