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Showing posts with the label dividendstockbuys

September 2023 Dividend Portfolio and Dividend Stock Buys: Introducing YieldMax TSLY ETF for Generating Passive Income

YieldMax TSLY ETF Passive Income for my Dividend Portfolio and Dividend Stock Buys (September 2023) In this YouTube video, I reveal to you my YieldMax TSLA Option Income Strategy ETF (TSLY ETF) passive income for the month of September. The year of 2023 has been a great year for dividend income / passive income and I reveal to you how many shares bought Enjoy the video and subscribe! Investing Introduction 0.00 TSLY ETF Review 0:58 Yield Max ETFs and TSLY Dividend 1:27 TSLY ETF Information and High Yield Passive Income 2:56 How much Passive Income Made 6:30 Dividend Stock Buys and REITs (Fractional Shares ) 6:51 TSLY ETF and NVDY ETF shares 9:17 YouTube Disclaimer 11:40 #passiveincome #dividendinvesting #stockstobuy Dividend Stocks, REITs, ETFs mentioned in this video: Spirit Realty Capital ( SRC stock ) Bank OZK ( OZK stock ) The Kroger Company ( KR stock ) Premier Financial Corp ( PFC stock ) VICI Properties ( VICI stock ) Starbucks Corp ...