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Showing posts with the label bobstokes

The Potential Implications of M2 Money Supply Contraction on Recession

An increasing number of economic observers are saying that the U.S. will sidestep a recession. Elliott Wave International offers an independent perspective. Indeed, let’s look at a rare occurrence in the U.S. money supply. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Far Too Many Investors LOSE Money in the Stock Market: Why? EWI founder Robert Prechter says one of the main reasons is that too many people make investment decisions based on the news of the day. In other words: They buy on good news and sell on bad news. This happens especially at major market turns -- the worst time to make the mistake! Learn what Elliott wave analysis reveals about today's stock market juncture, so you can make high-confidence preparations for what’s likely next. Access our latest analysis of major U.S. financial markets (including the main stock indexes) via a speci...