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Showing posts with the label averageretirementincome

Planning for Retirement as an Individual

Single people can and do retire comfortably. Many of the retirement planning concepts are the same as they are for couples, but it’s wise for singles planning for retirement to pay extra attention to long-term care and other topics. Please note that I try to continually improve content on this topic, and my latest information is at 🙋 Do you have suggestions for how singles can plan for retirement and long-term care? Please share in the comments below or send me an email! With Social Security or a pension, you get a base of income. If that’s not sufficient to cover your after-tax spending needs, you typically supplement that income by spending from your retirement savings—your 401(k), 403(b), IRAs, etc. Most people don’t “live off the interest.” Instead, they spend down their assets, so it’s important to have a robust investing and income plan that accounts for taxes, inflation, unpredictable markets, and other surprises. See the most important aspects of re...