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Important Information Regarding Social Security, SSDI, 401k, and Investments

THIS IS BIG for Social Security, SSDI, 401k, & Investments as congress looks to fix Social Security while also keeping us out of war...💥 Make Sure to watch this video all the way to the end for all the details, and let me know your thoughts in the comments! New Video Updates come out Every Day at 10am, 3pm, and 8pm EST / Eastern Standard Time. Make sure to click the Subscribe button below and then click the bell icon to "All Notifications" so you get reminder notifications for new videos, this way you won't miss out on new videos! Also please make sure to SHARE this video with your Friends, Family, & Social Media to help spread the word. Thank you so much! These videos are not financial advice and are for entertainment purposes only. Thanks for watching my youtube channel: the its Jimmy Show, or it's Jimmy, aka it is Jimmy, :)... ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT: 401k Plans REVEALED: Best Investment During Inflation ...

Recording a 401(k) Rollover to a Traditional IRA on TurboTax 2022 Form 1040

How to file your taxes with TurboTax? In this video, I cover how to enter Form 1099-R which shows a direct rollover of a 401(k) plan balance into a Traditional IRA. This often happens when an employee leaves their employer for a new position and needs to transfer their previous 401(k) balance. The transfer from a traditional 401(k) to a Traditional IRA is generally a tax-free exchange; however, it still needs to be reported on Form 1040. For other TurboTax 2022 tutorials videos, please see the following playlist: Jason’s Page: Knott PLLC: Need more help? Schedule a Consultation: ✅ TAX & ACCOUNTING TRAINING GUIDES Udemy - Gumroad - ✅ FOLLOW JASON HERE: Patreon: Twitter: Instagram: TikTok: LinkedIn: Quora: DISCLAIMER: I am a licensed attorney and certified public accountant (CPA) in the State of Florida. I am not a financial advisor. The information provided in this video is for entertainment ...

The Importance of Calculating Transfer Fees Yourself: A Look into Property Taxes When Moving - Episode 332 where I Share My Experiences with Incorrect Tax Calculations

相关视频链接: 搬家之后的抓马1- HVAC篇: 搬家之后的抓马2 - 电器篇: 搬家之后的抓马3 - Utility Bill 篇: 搬家之后的抓马4 - 浴室篇: ************************************************************************************************ 大家好!“美国退休账户详解” (All About Retirement Accounts)这套课程终于上线啦!被大家呼吁了2年多,我终于克服了拖延症把这套课程做出来啦! 购买链接如下: 别忘了用 coupon code “MONEY332”,获取50%的折扣! 这套课程分40个小节,涉及了美国常见退休账户的方方面面。有基础知识,比如401K和IRA的区别,Backdoor IRA如何操作;也有实操中常见的细节问题,例如Roth IRA存多了怎么办?留学生要回国了401K怎么办?Backdoor操作的时候被扣税了怎么办? 内容以我频道里的原视频为骨架,补充了视频没有的知识点,整合加工完成。我在整套课程里有意地把知识点串联梳理起来,由浅入深、系统地呈现给大家。作比较、列数据、讲实操、作总结,同一个知识点在不同场合反复出现,我就从不同的角度反复地说它。保证你在看完这套课程之后能把之前一些似懂非懂模模糊糊的概念全部吃的透透的。(第315期“Mega Backdoor”就是课程的节选,想要了解课程风格的朋友欢迎试听第315期) 每一个必要的场合都配了例子,每个例子都配了数字。该有的图表,分析等等都给它配起来。涉及计算的时候拿数字说话,还融合了原频留言区的观众留言(有观众提的好问题也有有价值的补充)。 我对这套课程的内容非常有信心,希望能够帮到有需要的朋友! 购买链接如下: 别忘了用 coupon code “MONEY332”,获取50%的折扣! 大纲如下: 前言 1. 401K 1.1 什么是401K 1.2. How does 401K plans Work 1.3. Contributing to a 401K 1.4. How does a 401K make money 1.5. Withdrawals from 401K 1.6. 离职之后401...

Guide: Filling Out IRS Form 8880 - Claim Your Credit for Qualified Retirement Savings Contributions

If you made a contribution to a Roth or Traditional IRA, you may be eligible for an additional tax credit related to those contributions. Jason’s Page: Knott PLLC: Need more help? Schedule a Consultation: ✅ TAX & ACCOUNTING TRAINING GUIDES Udemy - Gumroad - ✅ FOLLOW JASON HERE: Patreon: Twitter: Instagram: TikTok: LinkedIn: Quora: DISCLAIMER: I am a licensed attorney and certified public accountant (CPA) in the State of Florida. I am not a financial advisor. The information provided in this video is for entertainment purposes only. No such communication is provided in the course of an attorney-client relationship, and no communication is intended to constitute legal advice. You should speak with your own tax and legal professionals to discuss your circumstances before performing any of the tax, legal or accounting strategies demonstrated in this video. This description includes links to affilia...

Form 8880 - Retirement Savings Contributions Credits TurboTax 2022

How to file your taxes with TurboTax? In this 9th video, I cover how to calculate your tax credit for Qualified Retirement Savings Contributions on IRS Form 8880. The tax credit is available to certain taxpayers that make contributions to their Traditional or Roth IRAs, as well as certain contributions to qualified 401k, 403(b), and other retirement savings programs. For other TurboTax 2022 tutorials videos, please see the following playlist: Jason’s Page: Knott PLLC: Need more help? Schedule a Consultation: ✅ TAX & ACCOUNTING TRAINING GUIDES Udemy - Gumroad - ✅ FOLLOW JASON HERE: Patreon: Twitter: Instagram: TikTok: LinkedIn: Quora: DISCLAIMER: I am a licensed attorney and certified public accountant (CPA) in the State of Florida. I am not a financial advisor. The information provided in this video is for entertainment purposes only. No such communication is provided in the course of an att...

Developing the Entrepreneurial Mindset through Cayla Craft

Contact us and get my FREE My Ultimate Tax Strategy Guide: Learn more about Cayla Craft: Get certified In EVERY strategy I teach! Learn how by booking a FREE 15-minute demo: My certification program for Tax Professionals: To Get Started With Any One of My Teams: I go LIVE almost every week...Don't forget to Subscribe and Hit that bell icon so you get a notification every time I upload a new video or go LIVE If you liked the video, please give it a "Thumbs up!" and please subscribe to see more! #entrepreneur #smallbusiness #financialfreedom #Taxes #avoidtaxes #paylesstaxes #wealth #tax #realestateinvestment #Markjkohler #KKOSLawyers #markjkohlerLIVE #Entrepreneur #rentalrealestate #taxplanning #smallbusiness #taxlaw 00:00 Intro 00:44 Topic Overview O1:49 Cayla Craft’s Start 04:25 Overcoming Independence Fear 06:40 The Next Step 07:30 Cayla Craft’s Real Estate Project’s 09:11 Real Estate 10:24 Cayla Craft’s Cash Advance Syndication 14:56 Ideas to...

Is it possible to establish a tax-free retirement account for my children?

Get certified In EVERY strategy I teach! Learn how by booking a FREE 15 minute demo: The Crypto IRA Page at Directed IRA: For more info on our Directed IRA company, visit: To open up a self directed account visit: Is it even possible to set up a Roth IRA for your children? Yes, it most definitely is and in this video, I break down what you need to do in order to make it happen. Tax Professionals You NEED This: Save THOUSANDS With My Ultimate Tax Strategy Guide: To Get Started With Any One of My Teams: Check out my Law Firm KKOS Lawyers at If you need Tax help you can trust, check out my Certified Tax Advisor Network: I go LIVE almost every week...Don't forget to Subscribe and Hit that bell icon so you get a notification every time I upload a new video or go LIVE If you liked the video, please give it a "Thumbs up!" and please subscribe to see more! #Taxes #avoidtaxes #paylesstaxes #tax #realestateinvestment #Markjkohler #KKOSLawyers #markj...

2022 TurboTax - Complete your Form 1040 with TurboTax for Traditional IRA Contributions

How to file your taxes with TurboTax? In this 8th video, I cover the basic tax differences and treatments for the Traditional IRA vs Roth IRA. How to enter the Traditional IRA contributions into TurboTax and calculate the amount of tax deduction for the taxpayer. For other TurboTax 2022 tutorials videos, please see the following playlist: Jason’s Page: Knott PLLC: Need more help? Schedule a Consultation: ✅ TAX & ACCOUNTING TRAINING GUIDES Udemy - Gumroad - ✅ AFFILIATE LINKS Open an LLC with Inc File: Protect your Privacy with Nord VPN - ✅ FOLLOW JASON HERE: Patreon: Twitter: Instagram: TikTok: LinkedIn: Quora: DISCLAIMER: I am a licensed attorney and certified public accountant (CPA) in the State of Florida. I am not a financial advisor. The information provided in this video is for entertainment purposes only. No such communication is provided in the course of an attorney-client re...

rewrite this title Can I do a hardship withdrawal from my 401k for attorney fees?

Learn more about this topic at Leave us a comment if you have any questions and hit Subscribe to our Youtube channel to get informative videos on similar topics. Beagle is your financial concierge that helps you: - Find your old 401(k)s - Discover your 401(k) hidden fees - Rollover and save thousands - Unlock your 401(k)s and IRA WE'RE ON A MISSION TO Give you peace of mind with your retirement. We built Beagle to help guide you towards retirement no matter where you're at in your journey. For more information visit: --- Facebook --- Twitter Email us: #Beagle #finance #money #tips #strategy #retirement #advice #401k... ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT: 401k Plans REVEALED: Best Investment During Inflation HOW TO INVEST IN GOLD: Gold IRA Investing HOW TO INVEST IN SILVER: Silver IRA Investing Write an article about Can I do a hardship withdrawal from my 401k for attorney fees? in English https://inflationpro...

Enhanced Retirement Savings: The HSA - Comparable to a Roth IRA on Steroids

Tax Professionals check out my new Certified Tax Advisor Program here : A Health Savings Account (HSA) and a Health Reimbursement Account (HRA) are both powerful tools for health and retirement planning . An HSA allows individuals to save pre-tax dollars for medical expenses, which can be used tax-free in retirement. Meanwhile, a Roth IRA allows for tax-free growth and withdrawals in retirement, making it an ideal vehicle for long-term savings. Together, these accounts can help individuals achieve their retirement goals and ensure financial security in their golden years. Sign up for the news letter today to get my BRAND NEW eBook The Ultimate Tax Strategy Guide visit: To get your Comprehensive Business & Tax Consult: Everything you need is right here for you! #Taxes #avoidtaxes #paylesstaxes #wealth #tax #realestateinvestment #Markjkohler #KKOSLawyers EVERYONE should know these strategies! A huge part of building wealth, is knowing the best strategies to prote...

Possible rewritten title: "What Are My Options for an Inherited IRA? Insights on Estate Planning from Lesly R. Devereaux"

The law office of Lesly R. Devereaux offers estate planning services designed to help you manage your affairs in the most practical and positive way possible. Lesly is an established New York estate planning lawyer with extensive experience in this and many other areas of the law. Please Visit My: WEBSITE: FACEBOOK: ADDRESS:43 West 43rd Street, Suite 175 New York, NY 10036-7424 Phone: 212-804-5736 Email: #trust#will#estateplanning#probate#attorney#familyestateplan#lastwill#lawofficesinnewjersey#lawoffice#law#officeoflaw#willtrust#estate#estateplan#businessowner #businessman #businesswomen #womeninbusiness #estateplanning #estatesandtrusts @leslydsellshomes @leslylawyer @weddingblissbydrlesly... ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT: IRA Accounts TRANSFER IRA TO GOLD: Gold IRA Account TRANSFER IRA TO SILVER: Silver IRA Account REVEALED: Best Gold Backed IRA Inheriting an IRA can be a significant responsibility. It is crucial to know what y...

Social Security Payments Receiving $2400 Raise in January 2023: SSI, SSDI, and SSA to Benefit from 2023 COLA Increase, Including 401k.

In this video is the new Social Security Payment Schedule for January 2023 and also details of the new bill to raise Social Security Benefits by $2400 per year and how the new COLA Cost of Living Adjustments could raise benefits by $200 per month coming soon and Social Security increase for 2023. This also includes the increase Social Security Raise for 2023 dates as some people are actually getting it in December instead of January. Plus details of what President Joe Biden wants to pass with Social Security in 2023 💥 Make Sure to watch this video all the way to the end for all the details, and let me know your thoughts in the comments! New Video Updates come out Every Day at 10am, 3pm, and 8pm EST / Eastern Standard Time. Make sure to click the Subscribe button below and then click the bell icon to "All Notifications" so you get reminder notifications for new videos! It's FREE to Subscribe & this way you won't miss out on new videos! Also p...

A Guide on Completing Form W-4 for Married Couples with a Single Job

A new Form W-4 must be completed each year and provided to your employer. This video covers how to complete a Form W-4 for a married couple where ONE spouse is employed. Form W-4 Married with Two Jobs: Form W-4 for Single Filer: Jason’s Page: Knott PLLC: Need more help? Schedule a Consultation: ✅ TAX & ACCOUNTING TRAINING GUIDES Udemy - Gumroad - ✅ AFFILIATE LINKS Open an LLC with Inc File: Signup Bonus with M1 Finance - Open a Bitcoin IRA - Protect your Privacy with Nord VPN - Open a Webull Stock Account - File Taxes with TurboTax - File Taxes with TaxSlayer - Open a Wise Bank Account - Try Amazon Prime - ✅ FOLLOW JASON HERE: Patreon: Twitter: Instagram: TikTok: LinkedIn: Quora: DISCLAIMER: I am a licensed attorney and certified public accountant (CPA) in the State of Florida. I am not a financial advisor. The information provided in this video is for entertainment purposes...

"Discovering the Ideal 401K Sweet Spots: Insights by Mark J Kohler"

Everything that you need right here for you! The Crypto IRA Page at Directed IRA: To learn more and download my FREE E-Book "The 10 Best Tax-Saving Secrets Everyone Should Know", or make an appointment for a FREE interview with an attorney or CPA visit: The sweet spot for your 401k may not be 55k! It's important to look at your overall compensation, your SE tax and if you are going to fund your spouse's or children's 401ks. It's not always the best to go all the way! Maybe there's a better place to be in your financial plan. Make sure to watch all the way to the end to know your options! Also, make sure to subscribe and hit that bell icon so you get a notification every time I post a video! I promise you won't be disappointed with my advice! Don't forget to like, comment, and share! If you have a question or want me to make a video on a specific subject, send me a message, leave it in the comments, or send me an email! Check ...

Inheriting an IRA or 401(k)

Noted retirement planning expert James Lange shares some of his tips on how to plan for retirement and beyond. Jim has dedicated his life to helping others achieve their goals for a healthy and happy retirement: ... ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT: IRA Accounts TRANSFER IRA TO GOLD: Gold IRA Account TRANSFER IRA TO SILVER: Silver IRA Account REVEALED: Best Gold Backed IRA Inheriting an IRA or 401(k) can be a complex process with several important considerations. These accounts are often designed to be used during an individual's retirement years, but they can also be passed down to beneficiaries after the account holder's death. When inheriting an IRA (Individual retirement account ) or 401(k) plan, there are important tax implications to consider. Depending on the type of account and the beneficiary's relationship to the account holder, certain tax rules may apply. If the beneficiary is the account holder's spouse, they have the opt...