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Showing posts with the label clark

Are You Considering Vanguard for Your Investments? - Clark Rage

Clark has recommended using Vanguard, Fidelity and Charles Schwab for years. But recent issues at Vanguard have really soured his opinion on the brokerage. Is it time to move your money? Clark shares his answer. Subscribe on Apple Podcast or wherever you listen to get the latest episode of The Clark Howard Podcast. *** Relevant Links: ► Advice You Can Trust: SUBSCRIBE ► ★ FOLLOW US BELOW: ★ Twitter ► Clark Howard Facebook ► Clark Deals Facebook ► Clark Howard Instagram ► Clark Deals Instagram ► Podcast ► ★ Need Consumer Advice? ★ Consumer Action Center: Call 636-492-5275 for Free Help for Your Money Questions Need advice? The Consumer Action Center is a free community resource for advice on money and consumer issues. Call 636-49C-LARK (636-492-5275) and a member of Team Clark will assist you as soon as possible. The Consumer Action Center is available Monday-Friday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. ET. .... ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT: IRA...

Revised Regulations for 529 Plans

A GREAT development with 529 plans may change your decisions on how to save for college. MORE CLARK.COM CONTENT YOU MAY LIKE: ► ► ► Advice You Can Trust: SUBSCRIBE ► NEWSLETTER ► Follow Us for More Money Tips: Website ► Podcast ► Twitter ► Clark Howard Instagram ► Clark Howard Facebook ► Clark Deals Facebook ► Clark Deals Instagram ► For the very best deals and money-saving shopping tips ► Need Consumer Advice? Need advice? The Consumer Action Center is a free community resource for advice on money and consumer issues. Call 636-49C-LARK (636-492-5275) and a member of Team Clark will assist you as soon as possible. The Consumer Action Center is available Monday-Friday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. ET. If you found this video valuable, give it a like. I...

Benefits of Tax Breaks for Retirement Accounts

Clark highlights recent and upcoming changes to retirement accounts involving tax law changes with potential benefits you should know about. MORE CLARK.COM CONTENT YOU MAY LIKE: ► ► ► Advice You Can Trust: SUBSCRIBE ► NEWSLETTER ► Follow Us for More Money Tips: Website ► Podcast ► Twitter ► Clark Howard Instagram ► Clark Howard Facebook ► Clark Deals Facebook ► Clark Deals Instagram ► For the very best deals and money-saving shopping tips ► Need Consumer Advice? Need advice? The Consumer Action Center is a free community resource for advice on money and consumer issues. Call 636-49C-LARK (636-492-5275) and a member of Team Clark will assist you as soon as possible. The Consumer Action Center is available Monday-Friday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. ET. If you found this video val...

Rules of the New IRA You Might Have Overlooked

You may have heard that the amount you can put in a 401(k) has been increased for 2023. But many of the headlines bury the big news: Roth IRA rules have changed as well. Clark shares the details you need to know. MORE CLARK.COM CONTENT YOU MAY LIKE: ► ► ► Advice You Can Trust: SUBSCRIBE ► NEWSLETTER ► Follow Us for More Money Tips: Website ► Podcast ► Twitter ► Clark Howard Instagram ► Clark Howard Facebook ► Clark Deals Facebook ► Clark Deals Instagram ► For the very best deals and money-saving shopping tips ► Need Consumer Advice? Need advice? The Consumer Action Center is a free community resource for advice on money and consumer issues. Call 636-49C-LARK (636-492-5275) and a member of Team Clark will assist you as soon as possible. The Consumer Action Center is...

The Optimal Time to Invest in Your IRA

Also, when was your last contribution to your IRA? Clark explains the best time to fund this important retirement account . MORE CLARK.COM CONTENT YOU MAY LIKE: ► ► ► Advice You Can Trust: SUBSCRIBE ► NEWSLETTER ► Follow Us for More Money Tips: Website ► Podcast ► Twitter ► Clark Howard Instagram ► Clark Howard Facebook ► Clark Deals Facebook ► Clark Deals Instagram ► For the very best deals and money-saving shopping tips ► Need Consumer Advice? Need advice? The Consumer Action Center is a free community resource for advice on money and consumer issues. Call 636-49C-LARK (636-492-5275) and a member of Team Clark will assist you as soon as possible. The Consumer Action Center...

Full Show: Stock Market Strategy in 2023 and Should You Start a New Business Now?

Clark dives into something that may be a major stressor in your life right now: the stock market. How bad are things and should you change your strategy? Also, Clark explores something that we often see in times of economic distress: new businesses growing out of the rubble of layoffs. Maybe it’s time for YOU to think about starting your own business. Plus, Christa shares your #AskClark questions and Clark gives his take. All this and more on the January 30, 2023, episode of The Clark Howard Show. 00-00 - Intro 00:58 - Stock Market Strategy in 2023 07:37 - Ask Clark - Buying/Selling a Farm 09:33 - Ask Clark - Ordering Checks Cheaper 11:54 - Ask Clark - Trip Insurance 14:52 - Should You Start a New Business Now? 19:54 - Ask Clark - HSA Beneficiary 21:53 - Ask Clark - Credit Frozen Working 24:29 - Ask Clark - Bad Loyalty Program MORE CLARK.COM CONTENT YOU MAY LIKE: ► ►

New, Easier Way To Move Your Investments to Your New Job

Current 401(k) laws lead to tens of billions of dollars exiting retirement accounts every year when employees change jobs. Fidelity and Vanguard are part of a new organization attempting to solve the problem for workers. MORE CLARK.COM CONTENT YOU MAY LIKE: ► ► ► Advice You Can Trust: SUBSCRIBE ► NEWSLETTER ► Follow Us for More Money Tips: Website ► Podcast ► Twitter ► Clark Howard Instagram ► Clark Howard Facebook ► Clark Deals Facebook ► Clark Deals Instagram ► For the very best deals and money-saving shopping tips ► Need Consumer Advice? Need advice? The Consumer Action Center is a free community resource for advice on money and consumer issues. Call 636-49C-LARK (636-492-5275) and a member of T...

Full Show: Clark Stinks! and Why Clark Loves Store Brands

It's time for "Clark Stinks!" Christa reads the latest "Clark Stinks!" submissions and Clark responds. Also, inflation has hit the supermarket hard and data shows that big brands are raising prices. But Clark has a fun challenge for you that can help save big bucks. All this and more on the November 18, 2022, episode of The Clark Howard Show. Note to our subscribers: We are celebrating Thanksgiving next week so no new full podcast episodes will publish. We will be back on November 28! We wish you a warm and safe Thanksgiving. We are grateful for you! 00:00 - Intro 02:20 - Clark Stinks - Drivers Training Certificate to Save on Auto Insurance 03:55 - Clark Stinks - Tires Warranties 05:03 - Clark Stinks - Zelle and Fraud 06:57 - Clark Stinks - Vanguard Does Not Have a HSA 07:55 - Clark Stinks - HSA Taxable After Death 09:12 - Clark Stinks - Kia and Hyundai Break ins 10:35 - Clark Stinks - Hearing Aids Prices 13:24 - Clark Stinks - Amazon Bargains 14:2...

Full Show: New Series I Savings Bond Rates and Alarming Trends in Savings and Credit Card Debt

Series I Savings Bonds are a hot topic, and rates just changed. While one piece of the two-part rate is lower than it was during the last period, there's an interesting increase that gets Clark excited. Also, Americans are in a really bad place with the amount of money we're saving and high levels of credit card debt. How do your spending and saving habits compare? Plus, Christa shares your #AskClark questions and Clark gives his take. All this and more on the November 3, 2022, episode of The Clark Howard Show. 00:00 - Intro 01:29 - Series I Savings Bond Rates 08:01 - Ask Clark - Personalized PTO 10:31 - Ask Clark - Healthcare Coverage for Retirees 11:48 - Ask Clark - Home Insurance Subsidiary 13:40 - Alarming Trends in Savings and Credit Card Debt 20:12 - Ask Clark - Interest Charge from Credit Card Company 23:04 - Ask Clark - Chipotle Prices 25:09 - Ask Clark - Non-Qualified Deferred Compensation Plan MORE CLARK.COM CONTENT YOU MAY LIKE: ►