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Showing posts with the label bailout

30 Countries Likely to Follow Germany into Recession Amidst Potential Global Downturn Triggered by US Jobs Data

Please Support The Channel: YouTube Super Thanks (click below) YouTube Membership (click below) USA Jobs data for September revealed that 366,000 news jobs were added which higher than the 227,000 jobs added in August and considerably higher than expectations. At face value this looks like GOOD NEWS however in this video I explain why it is potentially BAD NEWS for both the USA and the GLOBAL ECONOMY. For specific details please check out the CHAPTER list below. Thanks for watching and please LIKE and SUBSCRIBE. If you like this video and are would like to buy me a coffee please click the link below. THANK YOU it is very much appreciated. Chapters: 0:00 Intro 3:13 USA CORPORATE DEBT 7:32 EUROPE, AFRICA & ME 8:33 DEFAULT RATES 10:55 RECESSION 13:17 SUMMARY & CONCLUSION #usa #globaleconomy #recession #debtceiling #UKRAINE #RUSSIA #GLOBALFINANCIALCRISIS #RUBLE #SWIFT #RECESSION #CHINA #USA #NATO #WW3 #WORLDWAR3... ( read more ) BREAKING: R...

The Perils of Biden's Calculated and Risky Student Loan Rescue | Ep. 1561

Watch the member-only portion of my show on DailyWire+: LIKE & SUBSCRIBE for new videos every day. The Ben Shapiro Show is sponsored by ExpressVPN. Protect your online privacy today at  Joe Biden announces a student loan bailout of up to $20,000 – and does so by violating the Constitution, economic sense, and basic principles of decency. 00:00 - Biden's student loan bailout 17:43 - Is college a scam? 25:06 - Zero constitutionality 31:56 - Bernie Sanders chimes in 38:50 - Democrats celebrate Stop giving your money to woke corporations that hate you. Get your Jeremy’s Razors today at Grab your Ben Shapiro merch here: #BenShapiro #TheBenShapiroShow #News #Politics #DailyWire... ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT: Bank Failures REVEALED: Best Investment During Inflation HOW TO INVEST IN GOLD: Gold IRA Investing HOW TO INVEST IN SILVER: Silver IRA Investing Biden’s Cynical, Dangerous Student Loan Bailout | Ep. 1561 The issue of s...

Bank Bailouts: An Examination of Financial Assistance in the United States and United Kingdom

Are they working? No. UK ECONOMY: We're a bit screwed really! The Pound is dropping like a stone meaning that we have to pay more for imports, which is really scary seeing as we have virtually gotten rid of our entire manufacturing sector. Our economy has shrunk half a percent in the last quarter, and I have not even mentioned the Credit Crunch. Most people in the UK seem to think all that has been going on is not relevant to them. The housing market is in steep decline but something even more frightening is about to happen, and those who are younger are unlikely to remember such an occurrence in their lifetime; forced sales. Now that the economy is contracting unemployment will rise, meaning that more people will be unable to service their mortgages. I dont know about you but when I look at the prices of homes in London for example I was always baffled by how so many people could earn enough to fuel the demand. I suspect many lied in order to get the loans th...

Potential Taxpayer Bailouts Loom as SVB Bank Collapses

Contact: "AOTTP", P.O. Box 1165, Green Valley, AZ 85622 Email: I buy my Silver and Gold from JM Bullion #Silver #Gold #XRP... ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT: Bank Failures REVEALED: Best Investment During Inflation HOW TO INVEST IN GOLD: Gold IRA Investing HOW TO INVEST IN SILVER: Silver IRA Investing Title: SVB Bank Collapsed: If History Repeats Itself, Taxpayer Bailouts Next! Introduction: In a shocking turn of events, SVB Bank, one of the leading financial institutions, has recently collapsed, sending shockwaves through the global financial sector. The collapse of this prominent bank not only raises concerns about the stability of the banking industry but also leaves taxpayers fearful of potential bailouts that may follow, as history has shown in similar cases. SVB Bank's Downfall: SVB Bank, once admired for its robust operations and steady growth, found itself entangled in a series of f...

Paul McKeever - Examining Bank Bail-outs, Decreased Arts Funding, and Apologies without Accountability

Archive entry: On October 9, 2008, Freedom Party of Ontario leader Paul McKeever and Reverend John Williams (political blogger) were panelists on "On the Line" (CTS) with host Christine Williams. In this episode, the panel discusses: Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper is prepared to bail-out Canadian banks if necessary; Prime Minister Stephen Harper's government faces criticism in changes to arts funding; a new Ontario bill to make it easier for physicians to apologize without legal implications.... ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT: Bank Failures REVEALED: Best Investment During Inflation HOW TO INVEST IN GOLD: Gold IRA Investing HOW TO INVEST IN SILVER: Silver IRA Investing Paul McKeever is a prominent figure in Canada, known for his strong opinions on various political and social issues. As the founder and former leader of the Freedom Party of Ontario, McKeever has been a vocal critic of government policies that he believes i...

Impending Economic Turmoil: Banking Bailouts, Bank Runs, and Crashes

My Patriot Supply Emergency freeze dried food and supplies - Here are some of the best Natural Supplements on the Market! - Here is where I buy gold and silver online. - True Leaf Market Seeds, a GREAT heirloom seed company! - PayPal Address - Sign up for our free newsletter! - Official Prepared Homestead merch! - Live Free Academy - My link to VyprVPN, the most trusted VPN Service - Genuine Berkey Water System - True Leaf Market Seeds, a GREAT heirloom seed company! - My Odysee Channel - Faith Filled Essentials website - Join in our TPHNetwork (The Prepared Homestead). You'll love it as much as I do. It’s like Facebook but we don’t spy on you. My Patreon Channel - Mailing Address: The Prepared Homestead PO Box 234 Roby, MO 65557 Some of these links are affiliate links. If you choose to purchase through these links I may receive a small commission at no cost to you. This additional income helps us make more co...

Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders Provides Insight on Bank Bailouts

At a Brattleboro, VT. town meeting on 6/24/2012, Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders explains the bank bailouts, and the unprecedented issuance of low interest loans to the banks by the Federal Reserve. Describes how he told Fed chairman Ben Bernanke that Vermonters would love some low interest loans too, but they can't get them.... ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT: Bank Failures REVEALED: Best Investment During Inflation HOW TO INVEST IN GOLD: Gold IRA Investing HOW TO INVEST IN SILVER: Silver IRA Investing Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders has been a vocal critic of the bank bailouts that occurred during the 2008 financial crisis. In his usual straightforward manner, Senator Sanders explains and breaks down the bank bailouts in simple terms. First and foremost, he highlights the fact that the financial crisis was caused by the reckless actions of Wall Street banks. These banks, driven by greed, engaged in risky practices such as predatory lending, b...

A Christian Perspective on Bank Failures and Bailouts

The recent failures of Silicon Valley Bank, Silvergate Bank, and Signature Bank, have lead to a new round of measures meant to insure depositor's access to funds and stabilize the financial system. How should we look at these kinds of actions? Are they right? Are they fair? Thank you for watching. Please share this video and make sure you're subscribed!... ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT: Bank Failures REVEALED: Best Investment During Inflation HOW TO INVEST IN GOLD: Gold IRA Investing HOW TO INVEST IN SILVER: Silver IRA Investing Bank Failures and Bailouts: A Christian Perspective In recent times, the issue of bank failures and bailouts has become a significant concern for governments and societies across the globe. The effects of these failures have far-reaching consequences that touch the lives of individuals, families, and entire communities. As Christians, it is crucial for us to examine this issue from a biblical perspective and...

Speculative Economics: Unusual Bank Bailouts from SVB, Silvergate & Signature

Episode 2 of my Speculative Economics Series... ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT: Bank Failures REVEALED: Best Investment During Inflation HOW TO INVEST IN GOLD: Gold IRA Investing HOW TO INVEST IN SILVER: Silver IRA Investing These Bank Bailouts are WEIRD: SVB, Silvergate & Signature || Speculative Economics During times of economic turbulence, the financial sector often requires assistance from governments in the form of bailouts. These interventions are usually aimed at stabilizing the banking system and preventing a collapse that could have severe consequences for the broader economy. However, some recent bank bailouts have raised eyebrows and sparked debates about the nature of speculative economics. In this article, we will examine the peculiarities surrounding the bailouts of SVB, Silvergate, and Signature banks. Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) is a leading provider of financial services to technology startups and venture capital firms. Its ...

The US Dollar Is Heading Towards the Graveyard of Defunct Fiat Currencies Alongside the Zimbabwe Dollar

Peter Schiff and Mike Adams discuss the banking failures and what that means for the economy, inflation, and currencies. Recorded 3/17/23 on Brighteon. 💬 Join my Locals community to get The Peter Schiff Show ad-free and a day early! Plus get access to special live reports and Q&As. Visit to become a member. 📈 Invest like me: 💯 RATE AND REVIEW on Facebook: 🔔 SIGN UP FOR MY FREE NEWSLETTER: ⭐️ Schiff Gold News: 📘 Book Store: 👉 Follow Peter Schiff on Twitter: 👉 Follow Peter Schiff on Instagram: 👉 Follow Peter Schiff on TikTok: 👉 Follow Peter Schiff on Facebook: ... ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT: Bank Failures REVEALED: Best Investment During Inflation HOW TO INVEST IN GOLD: Gold IRA Investing HOW TO INVEST IN SILVER: Silver IRA Investing The US Dollar Will Join the Zimbabwe Dollar in the Graveyard of Dead Fiat Curre...

Global Financial Markets Prepare for Meltdown as USA Bank Collapse Spurs Bank Runs

Please Support The Channel: YouTube Super Thanks (click below) YouTube Membership (click below) Silicon Valley Bank has collapsed after experiencing a LIQUIDITY CRISIS following a RUN of withdrawals which forced the bank to sell long terms bonds and incur massive losses. This Crisis comes within days of Silvergate Bank encountering the same problems which led to the bank falling into LIQUIDATION. In this video I provide details of the problems at both banks and discuss the risks of this Crisis spreading across the whole financial system and causing another GLOBAL FINANCIAL CRISIS. For specific details please check out the CHAPTER list below. Thanks for watching and please LIKE and SUBSCRIBE. If you like this video and are would like to buy me a coffee please click the link below. THANK YOU it is very much appreciated. Chapters: 0:00 Intro 3:18 WHY? 7:58 TRUST 11:24 USA BANK FAILURES 14:12 FDIC 16:27 GLOBAL FINANCIAL CRISIS 18:48 SUMMARY & CONCLUSION #SILICON...

Ben Discusses the Cyprus Bank Bailouts

In which Ben explains the potential long term importance of the bank bailouts in Cyprus...also I say some mean things about Russians.... ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT: Bank Failures REVEALED: Best Investment During Inflation HOW TO INVEST IN GOLD: Gold IRA Investing HOW TO INVEST IN SILVER: Silver IRA Investing In recent years, the small island nation of Cyprus has made headlines due to its banking system and the controversial bailout it received. To help shed light on this complex issue, let's take a closer look at the Cyprus bank bailouts and what they mean for both the country and the global economy. The banking crisis in Cyprus began to unfold in 2012 when it was revealed that several of the country's largest banks were heavily exposed to Greek government bonds. As the Greek economy deteriorated, these bonds lost their value, putting immense strain on the Cypriot banking sector. In an effort to prevent a complete collapse of the banking s...

Bank Bailouts in 2023: Supporting Financial Institutions in Crisis

Let's look at 2 concepts, Squeeze and Falling Knife. Let's also see what I look for and use to Identify when the Algos have been turned on. Plus a bonus, What is this market telling us it wants to do next.... ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT: Bank Failures REVEALED: Best Investment During Inflation HOW TO INVEST IN GOLD: Gold IRA Investing HOW TO INVEST IN SILVER: Silver IRA Investing Bank Bailouts in 2023: A Controversial Approach to Economic Crisis In 2008, the global financial crisis shook the world, leaving economies shattered and exposing the vulnerabilities of the banking system. In the aftermath, governments around the globe stepped in to rescue failing banks, using taxpayer money to prevent a complete collapse of the financial sector. Now, in 2023, with another economic crisis on the horizon, the question arises: will history repeat itself, and will we witness a new round of bank bailouts? Bank bailouts, as controversial as they are, hav...

The Alarming Wake Up Call: Bank Bailouts and the Impending Danger to the Dollar - Peter Schiff

Wake Up Call: Bank Bailouts and the Looming Threat to the Dollar - Peter Schiff Amid the wide-reaching crisis that has already crashed several large banks and put more at risk, the CEO of Euro Pacific Asset Management, Peter Schiff, talks about the bank bailout and the March Federal Reserve meeting. According to Peter Schiff, the bailout will have a negative impact on everyone as it will ultimately lead to a devaluation of the dollar, causing inflation to skyrocket. Meanwhile, Jerome Powell, during a press conference after the March FOMC meeting, claimed that the banking system is "sound and resilient." However, Schiff disagrees, stating that the system is not as sound as it may seem. With inflation devaluing people's money, they will likely want to withdraw it from banks since the interest rates won't be high enough to compensate for the loss. According to Peter Schiff “The dollar is being debased in order to fund the bank bailouts.” As per Schiff, the gov...

The Consequences of Silicon Valley Bank's Troubles and Interest Rates Dipping Below 7%

Robert Garcia, Realtor Eric Stewart Group of Long and Foster Realtors The recent Silicon Valley Bank mess and the interest rates going below 7% have had significant impacts on the economy. The scandal surrounding Silicon Valley Bank has damaged the trust of investors and entrepreneurs in the tech industry. This has led to a slowdown in investments and a shift towards more cautious investment strategies. Additionally, the interest rates going below 7% have led to a decrease in the cost of borrowing, making it easier for businesses and individuals to access credit. However, this has also led to concerns about potential inflation and the long-term impact on the economy. Overall, both of these factors have had a notable impact on the financial landscape and will continue to shape the economy in the months and years to come. 📥 📥 DOWNLOAD my FREE Relocate to Maryland Guide 📥 📥 📥 📥 DOWNLOAD my FREE Relocat...

How Biden's Bank Bailouts Could Have a Direct Impact on Your Savings

Download our free Wealth Protection Guide to learn how gold and silver can help preserve your money as big banks lose theirs: Banks are failing all around us. Most notable was the recent collapse of Silicon Valley Bank. The news sent shockwaves through Wall Street, causing stocks to plummet. And now experts are telling us to prepare for more. Think the collapse won’t impact you? Think again! This single failure could start a domino effect of economic collapses that directly impact you! Don’t believe us? Look no further than the bail-out by the Biden administration. President Biden and Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen have given the green light for the billions of dollars to bail out Silicon Valley Bank, essentially giving other banks the OK to spend YOUR hard-earned savings and retirement investments with no retribution. So, just how is the government going to pay for this bailout? By printing more money–money the U.S. can’t afford right now. That made-up mone...