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Showing posts with the label chinahighspeedrail

U.K Seeks China's Assistance Amid Recession, Employment Crisis, and Soaring Interest Rates

U.K Begs China For Help Amid Recession, Job Losses And High Interest Rates! ******* Welcome To Innovation Diary ****** For Chinese Innovation Like Technology, Engineering And Construction Projects, Gold, Silver & Investment. China join BRICS. China | Singapore | Indonesia | Japan | Tiawan | Russia SUBSCRIBE ► WATCH MORE INTERESTING AND EDUCATIVE VIDEO'S BELOW; Japan Punished Badly As 45NM Chip Restriction On China BACKFIRED! ► Google's Decision To Cancel Huawei's License Make Itself Pay The Haevy Cost ► Driver's Nightmare! China Has Built The Most Complex Overpass In The World | China Technology ► China Has The Longest Bridge In The World | China Technology | FTX ► China Puts $70,000 Million To Buy Largest Iron Ore Mine | China Technology ► China’s Going For Flying Train Of Speed 4000 KM/H ► ************************************************************************** MUSIC: StoryBlocks/Audio Library 🎥FOOTAGE licensed through S...