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Secure Act 2.0 EXPLAINED | Common Cents

Craig Bolanos, CEO and Wealth Advisor at Wealth Management Group @InvestWithWMG Watch on TV! Click to find out where! Don't forget to Subscribe, Like and Share our channel - never miss an update!... ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT: IRA Accounts CONVERTING IRA TO GOLD: Gold IRA Account CONVERTING IRA TO SILVER: Silver IRA Account REVEALED: Best Gold Backed IRA The Secure Act 2.0 is a new piece of legislation that has been proposed by the United States Congress. It is designed to help Americans save for retirement and strengthen the nation’s retirement system. The Secure Act 2.0 is a bi-partisan bill that was introduced in the House of Representatives on October 3, 2019. The Secure Act 2.0 seeks to improve retirement security for Americans by expanding access to retirement savings plans, encouraging people to save more for retirement, and providing incentives for employers to offer retirement plans to their e...