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Showing posts with the label backdoorrothiraprocessexplained

Form 8606 Example: Managing Over Contributions in Traditional IRA by Utilizing Backdoor Roth

What do you do if you over contributed to a traditional IRA? If you made an excess contribution to an IRA, I go over some options that you have. Excess contributions are taxed at 6% per year for each year the excess amounts remain in the IRA. In case this ever happens to you, or someone you know, there are some very good options, including a backdoor Roth IRA conversion. So it’s really not something to worry too much about. Later in the video, I demonstrate how the backdoor Roth IRA conversion is reported on the tax form 8606. 💜 Show Your Support: Fuel Our Channel with a Cup of Coffee! ☕️ 📘 FREE EBOOK FOR ENTREPRENEURS! 📖 Transform Your Accounting - Learn Modernization Concepts in My Book Today! 👪 JOIN OUR FACEBOOK GROUP AND GET YOUR TAX QUESTIONS ANSWERED! 🔔 Subscribe for more videos just like this: Welcome to my Ask An Accountant YouTube Channel! My name is Noel Lorenzana, and I'm an Illinois lice...