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Showing posts with the label DaveRamseyTSP

Dave Ramsey & Warren Buffet's Advice on the Top 5 TSP Investing Strategies

Let's talk about the top 5 TSP investing strategies and advice from financial legends Dave Ramsey and Warren Buffet. Have you logged into your TSP account lately? What do you invest in your TSP? 🤳 Social Media🤳 📖 Get Your Free Financial Spreadsheets and Resources 📖 ➡️ 👨‍🏫 1:1 Financial Coaching 👩‍🏫 Schedule a free 20-minute 1:1 Coaching Session Schedule a free 30-minute 1:2 Couple's Coaching Session ➡️ Introductory Forum: 📧 Email: 📖 What’s on my bookshelf? 📖 ➡️ "1,000 Nights: Death's Love Letter to Afghanistan" "The Millionaire Next Door" 📷 Additional FIRE Videos Mentioned In this Video 📷 Our $3.7 Mil Fat FIRE Plan - The 10-Step FIRE Checklist - Calculate FIRE Number - Customize Your Emergency Fund - Build a $2.8 mil Investment Portfolio - Pay Your...

Decoding Military Blended Retirement (BRS)

Military Blended Retirement (BRS) Explained In this video we explain the blended retirement system for the military. We go over both roth tsp and traditional tsp and how they apply to the brs retirement. Investing in the thrift savings plan while in the military is now part of your military retirement, so we wanted to make it easier to understand your brs pension. Military TSP - Thrift Savings Plan Explained: _________ We teach you what you need to know about your personal finances, using words you understand, without boring you to death... because adulting shouldn't suck. Rethink Financial Education Learn more at Say Hi on Social: Instagram: Facebook: #militaryretirement #blendedretirementsystem #rethinkfinancialeducation ... ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT: Thrift Savings Plans REVEALED: Best Investment During Inflation HOW TO INVEST ...