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Showing posts with the label corporatehealthinsurancepolicy

Should I get an additional health insurance policy if my employer already provides coverage? #short #healthinsurance

Download the ffreedom app from the Play Store or App Store to learn more about this video - Courses on Personal Finance Do I need another health insurance policy if my employer covers me under one? #short#healthinsurance Is depending on a corporate health insurance policy good enough? When someone talks to us about investments and finances, we have our answers ready! We have done our research on what is best for us and how to select the right avenues. But when it comes to choosing the best health insurance plans for family or oneself, to protect our savings and someone questions us on it, often our answer is “Why do I need one? My company covers me and my family under their corporate health insurance policy.” Most of us can relate to this situation of having a corporate health insurance plan. And you might wonder what’s wrong with it? Well, technically, nothing. However, the integral question that remains unanswered is “Is it enough to cover your family's health o...