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Showing posts with the label capitalgainstaxrealestate

How Reinvesting Can Help You Avoid Capital Gains Taxes | Tax Tuesday #165

14:33 I have sold real estate in 2022. Can I avoid capital gain taxes if I purchase real estate in 2022? 0:00 Intro 6:23 I am thinking about investing in a Bitcoin mining fund. We will take 90% depreciation in the first year. Can I use that loss to offset my gains over the next few years of the fund? Passive loss for passive gain? Welcome back to another installment of Tax Tuesday! There are a lot of questions to cover in this episode so tune in as Jeff Webb, CPA and Eliot Thomas, JD. break them down. Join us LIVE on Tax Tuesdays every other Tues 👉 8:40 Our business generated substantial income in 2022 as a single-member LLC. Can I create a new LLC, elect an S Corp status in 2022, then move income from our single-member LLC to a newly created S Corp, and be taxed as an S Corp for 2022? 11:12 Is it true that creating a revocable living trust will raise my capital gains taxes if I sell my primary residence home? If I transfer to my name, I must live in it for ...