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Showing posts with the label bondingwithyourbird

Tips for Building Trust and Bonding with Your Cockatiel

gain trust and bond with your #cockatiel ☆ some that each #bird owner should know. some of the tips are from my own experience and some from the site . (•̀į“—•́)Łˆ the best way to gain your cockatiel's trust is to use its . later you're going to practice a step up to train your cockatiel. hopefully, I'll be posting that video soon ~ Be persistent and gentle and interact with your bird a good deal. Some cockatiels take a while to trust. Hand feed a palatable treat and a small amount several times a day. You also can make a point of talking and interacting when you feed and water and change the bedding in the cage. Other than that just be gentle and persistent. Kako pripitomiti nimfu i pridobiti njezino povjerenje 😄 ♫︎ dream bird by  @JonnyEaston ➪ IG & pinterest: @dennythebudgie ☆ camera: sony a6100 ᯾ edited with InShot ✉ ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT: Treasury Inflation Protected Securities REVEALED: B...