Learn more about the @NeoFinancial Cashback Mastercard here: Get a $50 credit + receive 15% cashback on your first purchase with this link! #NeoFinancial #MeetNeo #sponsored Figuring out what your CPP payment will be is an extremely complicated process, but these 3 calculators will give you a good idea of what it should be, assuming your situation is on the simpler side. If you are on CPP disability, the survivor pension, or have child dropout years, then these calculators probably won't be as useful. In those situations, it will be helpful to reach out to Doug Runchey for his services at Calculator 1: Calculator 2: Calculator 3: Doug Runchey's article on CPP's formula: If you have any further questions about this video's topic or any financial planning questions in general, I encourage you to find a certified financial planner in your area or book a consultation with us to get your savings plan on track. You can learn more about our services a...
Timothy Sumer is a philanthropist and motivational speaker empowering young entrepreneurs across the nation. He speaks on starting new businesses and the importance of branding in the digital age. Timothy Sumer has a BA in Accounting from NYU and a Masters in Information Technology from MIT. Tim enjoys traveling around the globe, driving exotic sports cars, molecular gastronomy, exploring new cultures, and keeping on top of the latest technology trends. Hope you enjoy Timothy Sumer's page :)