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Showing posts with the label DamitaDai

Guaranteed Investment Funds

In this video Kris Alary, Investment & Insurance Advisor, PFA, CEA of Bowie Financial Inc. talks with Damita Dai from Desjardin about Guaranteed Investment Funds, Segregated Funds, Mutual Fund Vs. Segregated Fund comparison. They talk about bypassing the probate fee, and then about some really great protection features- Protecting your investments from inflation, beneficiary protection features, as well as how to capitalize from higher inflation in your investments. If you have any questions send Kris Alary an email or call at 613-416-2020 You can also book an appointment here If you like our content don't forget to hit the "subscribe" button above, and if you want to be notified when new content is posted click the "bell!" Thanks for watching! 613-416-2020 #BowiCanHelp ... ( read more ) HOW TO: Hedge Against Inflation REVEALED: Best Investment During Inflation HOW TO INVEST IN GOLD: Gold IRA Inves...