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Showing posts with the label babystep3

Baby Step 3 COMPLETED, Now What? | Emergency Fund | Aja Dang

I'm Aja Dang and it has happened - I have a FULLY FUNDED EMERGENCY FUND AND I FINALLY FEEL FREEEE!!!!! I started building my emergency fund in January (after becoming debt free) and have since saved up $35,000 to complete my emergency fund. I originally anticipated saving up $40,000 (including a $10,000 EF for my two dogs and including my boyfriends half of bills... just in case) but after saving up $35k and realizing how much more I could cut out after the coronavirus hit, I decided $35,000 was enough for me. I'm so happy, the feeling is much different than how I felt when I paid off all my debt. This is a true freedom and I *know* I'll never be in the same financial position I was in two years ago. And it couldn't have come at a better time. • VIDEO MENTIONS • EMPOWER: Download Empower in the App Store or Play Store and get $5 when you reach your savings goal.- To be eligible to receive the $5 bonus, (a) you must have used my referral link (b) you must...