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How Much Is CPP (Canada Pension Plan & Old Age Security Retirement Plan) At Age 70: 5 Reasons

Subscribe for more videos / Abonnez-vous:recevoir d'autres viĆ©dos: ==================================================================== How Much Is CPP (Canada #Pension Plan & Old Age Security # retirement plan ) At Age 70: 5 Reasons To Delay I KASH Your #CPP payments depend on how much you have contributed to the plan and for how long you contributed. CPP and #OAS are very important for Canadians. I hope the Canadian Government doesn't screw them up. You can go on a mind-bender trying to figure out how these two Canadian pensions work. - HOW MUCH IS CPP AT AGE 70? - REASONS TO DEFER CPP UNTIL 70 1. Average Life Expectancy or Better 2. Higher CPP Payout 3. You Are Still Working 4. Eligibility for GIS 5. Investment (Market and Inflation) Risks CPP BREAKEVEN POINT CPP Breakeven Point Chart HOW TO APPLY FOR CPP ==================================================================== LISTE DES ƉQUIPEMENTS QUE J’UTILISE FRƉQUEMMENT CAMERA UTILISƉE: TRƉPIED UTILIS...