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Showing posts with the label delayedretirementcredits

Spousal Social Security Benefits and Delayed Retirement Credits Explained | YMYW Podcast

"Hi Big Al, my wife is on Social Security Disability Insurance, she will be full retirement age 66 & 4months on 3/26/2023. Her SSDI will convert to full retirement benefits in March. Question: Does she have to withdraw her FRB in order to receive delayed retirement credits? Will she be able to claim spousal benefits at her FRA and then claim her benefits at age 70? I am currently 60 & 4 months old. Question: Does my wife have to wait until I apply for SSRB at 62 for her to apply for spousal benefits or can she apply at her FRA? If I take my SSRB at 62, will I be able to suspend them at FRA 67 and apply for spousal benefits while receiving DRC’s until age 70? Will I have to apply for my Retirement benefits or will they start automatically at 70? Thank you for your guidance on these questions. Thank you, Gil & Linda." Listen to the entire Your Money, Your Wealth® podcast: Download the Social Security Handbook: Pure Financial Advisors, LLC is a fee-...