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Is it possible to experience financial losses in a Roth IRA? [Episode 8] #shorts

When you contribute, are you at risk to lose money in a Roth IRA? ▶ Like this video? Subscribe! Will you end up withdrawing less than you put in? Simple Schools TV teaches practical life skills in short, free educational videos for adults. Starting with money. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VIDEO TEXT: 0:00 Intro Let’s talk about investing in your Roth IRA in this inappropriately short video. 0:04 Will I be taxed on my Roth IRA profits? If you invest your money in your Roth, any sweet profits that your contributions make will not be taxed while in your account. 0:10 Are Roth IRA withdrawals taxed? Once you turn 59 ½ and if you had your account for 5 years, you won’t be taxed when you withdraw your profits. 0:16 Can I lose money in a Roth IRA? You might be thinking that you’ll just pick some stocks, invest, and tax-free retirement here I come! No. In the last video, I said that it helps to learn about inves...