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Showing posts with the label classics

Classical Athens Witnessed a Series of Bank Failures

Wherever there are banks, there are bank failures and banking crises. Was there a fourth century banking crisis? Why did banks fail in Classical Athens? How did they fail? Did Classical Athens have a resolution authority or deposit guarantee scheme? 0:00 – Intro 0:33 Demosthenes 33 – Pasion’s bank’s survival amidst failures 2:50 a 4th century systemic banking crisis? 5:48 Demosthenes 36 – bank insolvency in action 14:45 Deposit guarantee schemes? 18:05 Wrap up – small enough to fail? Primary Sources: - Demosthenes 33, 36. Secondary Souces MacDowell, Demosthenes Speeches 27-38 Cohen, Athenian Economy and Society: a Banking Perspective Boegart, - Die Krise der Banken in Athen im 4. Jahrhundert v.u. Z. (in Hellenische Poleis, ed Welskopf) Note: captions not yet edited #toobigtofail #banking #bankcrisis #bankfailure #ancientgreece #ancientgreek #classics #ancientgreece #toobigtofail #classics #banking #bankfailure #bankcrisis... ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT: B...