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Showing posts with the label EPS1995Amendment

Online Link for Validation of Higher Pension for Retired Employees by EPFO | English Video

#HigherPensionEPFOlink #EPFOHigherPensionGuidelines #EPFOHigherPensionCircular #EPFOCircular #HigherPensionCase #EPFO #EPSSCJudgement #EPS #EPS1995 #3LRPartner #PensionableSalary #PensionableService #PensionFormula #PensionCalculation #LabourLaw #LabourCodes #epfo #higherpension #pensionnews2022 #pensioners_news #retirement #pensionerslatestnews #providentfund #retirementplanning #retirementlife #retirementpension #retirement #HigherPensionlatestnews#epforetirement #Higherpensionoptionformat #pensionformat EPFO recently released the link in the UAN member portal for validation of Higher Pension claims of retired employees. This video explains the provisions of SC judgement dated 04.11.2022, the circular of EPFO dated 29.12.2022 for retired employees and the online link for validation of higher pension application. Watch Pension Related Videos on this Channel 1a) How do you exercise your option for Higher Pension? | EPFO Circular for Retired Employees - 1) Higher Pension...

EPFO Guidelines 29.12.2022: Enhanced Pension for Retired Employees before 01.09.2014

#EPFOHigherPensionGuidelines #EPFOHigherPensionCircular #EPFOCircular #HigherPensionCase #EPFO #EPSSCJudgement #EPS #EPS1995 #3LRPartner #PensionableSalary #PensionableService #PensionFormula #PensionCalculation #LabourLaw #LabourCodes #epfo #higherpension #pensionnews2022 #pensioners_news #pensionerslatestnews #providentfund This video explains the case of retired employees eligible for higher pension as per the supreme court judgement dated 04.11.2022. The EPFO released circular to implement the directions of supreme court on the retired employees case. The timeline was 8 weeks from the date of judgment. Therefore, the EPFO released the guidelines on 29.12.2022. The video while explaining the guidelines also talks about the gist of the SC judgment on this matter. Watch Pension Related Videos on this Channel 1) Higher Pension Case Update | Employees' Pension Scheme 1995 - 2) Do You Know? | 10 Years Contributory Service is not necessary for EPS Pension! - 3) What is...