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Showing posts with the label ERISA

ERISA Claims for Spousal and Beneficiary Death Benefits

Each claim and benefit plan are different. Be sure to consult with an attorney.... ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT: IRA Accounts CONVERTING IRA TO GOLD: Gold IRA Account CONVERTING IRA TO SILVER: Silver IRA Account REVEALED: Best Gold Backed IRA Death Benefits- Spousal and Beneficiary ERISA Claims Losing a loved one is an incredibly difficult and emotional experience. While dealing with grief, it is important to understand and explore all the available benefits and options, one of which is death benefits provided by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA). In this article, we will delve into spousal and beneficiary death benefits under ERISA, highlighting their significance and providing a comprehensive overview. ERISA is a federal law that sets standards for most employee benefit plans, including pension plans and group health insurance coverage offered by employers. Under ERISA, it is mandatory for employers offering such plans to

401k Auto Rollovers: A Convenient Safe Harbor for Small Business Retirement Plans

Small business retirement plans often accumulate ex-employees that sponsors would prefer to get rid of. ERISA's auto-rollover safe harbor lets you shutter ex-employees with balances in your plan without the fear of running afoul of your fiduciary responsibilities. Check out the full post at: ... ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT: Qualified Retirement Plans REVEALED: How To Invest During Inflation HOW TO INVEST IN GOLD: Gold IRA Investing HOW TO INVEST IN SILVER: Silver IRA Investing 401k Auto Rollovers: A Convenient Safe Harbor for Small Business Retirement Plans As a small business owner, you know that it’s important to offer your employees a retirement plan that will help them save for the future. But what happens when an employee leaves your company? Do you have a plan in place to ensure that their retirement savings are safe and secure? The answer is yes, and it’s called a 401k auto rollover. A 401k auto rollover is a convenient and safe way to

Understanding ERISA

The last health insurance mandate that we will discuss covers employers who provide a group retirement plan and/or group health and welfare plans of basically any type, including medical, dental, vision, life insurance and others. Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) guidance must be followed in any of these cases Any organization that provides retirement or health and welfare plans must provide a document called a Summary Plan Description (SPD) telling beneficiaries about the plan and how it works—in plain language that the average employee can understand. The organization also has to provide similar information whenever the plan changes significantly and send an annual report to members, as well as meet some other requirements. A major provision of ERISA is guidance on retirement (pension) plan eligibility. If the company provides employees with a retirement plan, the guidelines in ERISA say that the plan has to be available to all employees over 21 years of

省稅規劃 |【Traditional IRA VS Roth IRA】退休帳戶好處、限制、投資標的全解析!| 泛宇財經爆 欣姐稅務小百科 EP6(CC字幕)

省稅規劃 |【Traditional IRA VS Roth IRA】退休帳戶好處/限制/投資標的全解析! 本期欣姐稅務小百科與您一起探討: 👉IRA 帳戶可以購買人壽保險or年金嗎? 👉如何靈活運用 IRA 帳戶省稅? 歡迎在影片下, 留言您的問題, 我們將會在下次的節目回答喔~ 喜歡我們的節目請按讚、分享、訂閱我們的頻道喔! 【更多相關影片】 ⭐️僱用家庭成員 Family Help 家庭雇員就業稅! 竟可省那麼多? ▸▸ ⭐️『在職進修補助』有稅務優惠 僱主和員工實現雙贏? ▸▸ ⭐️雇主提供『學生貸款償還計劃』 5大申請QA一次看! ▸▸ ⭐️投資賺了很多錢 該怎麼規劃? 教你用五種方式省税 ▸▸ ⭐️「退休計畫」有哪幾種 該如何聰明省稅? ▸▸ 🔥泛宇財經爆 【房地產與貸款知識系列】: 【理財及退休規劃系列】: 【稅務知識系列】: 【泛宇教育系列】: 【泛宇健康保險系列】: 【泛宇個人房屋商用保險】: 【美股市場經濟趨勢分析】: 【認識泛宇- TransGlobal Introduction】 泛宇網站: 泛宇臉書: 專業諮詢: #IRA #Roth #退休金 #retirement #taxsavingtips #美國稅 #美國退休金 #TransGlobal​ #泛宇財經爆 美國泛宇集團TransGlobal Holding Company有超過30年的財務規劃與管理經驗,專門為美國亞裔社區服務。由創始人兼總裁胡正國先生 Philip Hu的遠見,於2008-2009年全球金融風暴時期逆勢而為,相較於其他金融公司都在收緊業務之際,總裁胡正國先生反而開始積極地擴展事業版圖,於全美各州招募人才,廣設分公司,於短短的數年間,服務範圍由加州擴展至全美主要城市,包括加州、紐約州、喬志亞州、麻州、德州、伊利諾州、北卡、華盛頓州、夏威夷州、賓州以及關島,於上述商業發展蓬勃的13大州設立26+間分公司; 橫跨美國東西岸, 都有美國泛宇集團的專業理財規劃團隊為您服務。 美國泛宇集團,於2015年在胡總裁前瞻性策略帶領之下,整合旗下公司產品線,壽險、年金與投資理財等部門,增加資產管理、稅務服務、住宅貸款、房屋地產、健康保險、商用保險等,打造全方位財務規劃平台。提供最即時、最完整專業的一站式財富管理服務 美國泛宇集團旗下關係企

Recent Developments in 403b Plan Litigation

Cases against 403(b) plans have been in the headlines since 2016 and will continue to be a story in 2019. Most recently, no new cases have been filed, but the NYU case, as well as others including Georgetown, University of Pennsylvania, Northwestern University and Washington University, remind us that a strong offense is the best defense. In each case, a prudent process and documentation assist the defendant plan sponsors in making their case against the plaintiff plan participants. This webinar can help you design your prudent process using lessons learned from these cases, and much more. During this webinar we cover: - A review of the current 403(b) litigation landscape - Case success - what’s working for plan sponsors, as well as what's not - Action steps for plan sponsors to design their strategy to meet their fiduciary responsibilities - ensuring a strong offense against any potential litigation... ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT: Retirement Planning RE

Self Directed IRA Annual Compliance Service

As part of IRA Financial's Self-Directed IRA Nation, our annual compliance service can help keep your Self-Directed IRA above board and meeting all requirements for the IRS. Our annual compliance membership service is just what you need to ensure following all legal requirements and tax laws. Want to read more about what a Self-Directed IRA is? Learn more here: -- Discover more videos by IRA Financial: Subscribe to our channel: -- About IRA Financial: IRA Financial Group was founded by Adam Bergman, a former tax and ERISA attorney who worked at some of the largest law firms. During his years of practice, he noticed that many of his clients were not even aware that they can use an IRA or 401(K) plan to make alternative asset investments, such as real estate. He created IRA Financial to help educate retirement account holders about the benefits of self-directed retirement plan solutions. Learn More: ... ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT: IRA Accounts TRAN