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Showing posts with the label FIREmovement

Learn about TSP Individual Funds in just 30 seconds | An overview of the Thrift Savings Plan

The contribution limit for TSP in 2023 is $22,500 or $30,000 for 50 or older. My TSP strategy is to max out my contribution every year. How long do you think it'll take to reach 7 figures if I max out my contribution every year? 🤳 Social Media🤳 📖 Get Your Free Financial Spreadsheets and Resources 📖 ➡️ 👨‍🏫 1:1 Financial Coaching 👩‍🏫 Schedule a free 20-minute 1:1 Coaching Session Schedule a free 30-minute 1:2 Couple's Coaching Session ➡️ Introductory Forum: 📧 Email: 📖 What’s on my bookshelf? 📖 ➡️ 📷 Additional FIRE Videos Mentioned In this Video 📷 Our $3.7 Mil Fat FIRE Plan - How to Become an Ordinary Millionaire - How to Start F.I.R.E - The Ultimate F.I.R.E Guide - HSA vs FSA - Is Cash King or Trash? - Tax-Free Dividend Income - Pay 0% Capital Gains Taxes - For sponsorship...

Thrift Savings Plan Investment Strategies: A Guide to Growing Your TSP to $1 Million by 2023

How much do you really need to retire comfortably with your TSP and pension? How long do you think it'll take to reach 7 figures in your TSP? Let's go over each individual TSP fund and the allocation strategies. Private Group Coaching with Psy ➡️ 🤳 Psy on TikTok, Facebook, Instagram 🤳 📖 Get Your Free Financial Spreadsheets and Resources 📖 ➡️ 👨‍🏫 Free Financial Coaching 👩‍🏫 Schedule a free 20-minute Individual Coaching Session Schedule a free 30-minute Couple's Coaching Session ➡️ 📧 Email: 📖 What’s on my display shelf? 📖 ➡️ For sponsorships and business inquiries ➡️ 📷 Additional FIRE Videos Mentioned In this Video 📷 Our $3.7 Mil Fat FIRE Plan - How We're Saving 70% of Income (2023) - My $1.1 Mil Fat FIRE Progress (Sep 2022) - How ...

Essential Investment Accounts for Achieving Financial Freedom: A Comprehensive Guide

Episode #452 If you’re new to personal finance, investment accounts can seem complicated. The terms, the lingo—HSA, Roth, IRA, 401(k)—these may seem like letters in an arbitrary order, but using these retirement and investment accounts can help you reach financial freedom faster, pay WAY less in taxes, and maximize your money even while you’re asleep. So, how do you get started? Tune in; we’ll show you how! Joining us is early-retired CFP (Certified Financial Planner) Kyle Mast to walk through each retirement, investment, and savings account you MUST have on your road to FIRE. In today’s episode, we’ll touch on the common accounts you’ve heard of, like the 401(k) and IRA, as well as some lesser-known investing and savings accounts that can help your money grow faster than you thought possible. And whether you’re just starting your retirement journey in your 40s, 50s, or 60s, or you’re a twinkly-eyed twenty-something-year-old ready for compound interest to run its course, ...

A Step-by-Step Guide to Opening a Roth IRA with Vanguard for Early Retirement Planning #Vanguard #RetireEarly #EarlyRetirement #VTSMX #RothIRA #Retirement

Let me show you how easy it is to open a Roth IRA with Vanguard! Happy Investing and let’s retire early!... ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT: IRA Accounts INVESTING IN A GOLD IRA: Gold IRA Account INVESTING IN A SILVER IRA: Silver IRA Account REVEALED: Best Gold Backed IRA How To Open A Roth IRA with Vanguard Saving for retirement is a crucial aspect of financial planning, and one of the best ways to achieve this is through a Roth IRA. A Roth IRA offers many advantages, including tax-free growth and tax-free withdrawals in retirement. With a wide range of investment options, Vanguard is a popular choice for opening a Roth IRA. In this article, we will guide you through the steps of opening a Roth IRA with Vanguard, ensuring a smoother path towards your early retirement goals. Step 1: Research and Educate Yourself Before opening a Roth IRA, it is important to understand the fundamental concepts and benefits associated with this retirement account . Educ...

The FIRE Movement: HSA as the Optimal Investment for Financial Independence and Early Retirement

***Lively has started charging $24 or forces you to hold a minimum of $3,000 in their HSA. Due to this change, I do NOT recommend them any longer. Please do not use this company. A Fidelity HSA is currently free at this time*** An HSA (Health Savings Account) is one of the best investments you could ever make. This is especially true for anyone pursuing Financial Independence Retire Early. The HSA gives you the chance to invest your money tax-free, let your money grow tax-free, and you can even withdraw your money tax-free. In this video, I'll show you how to turn your HSA (Health Savings Account) into one of the best retirement accounts you've ever had. Car Hacking Strategy To Get Free Cars FOREVER: The Best Bash Back Credit Cards: Accepted medical expenses: Check Out My Recommendations (It helps support the channel): 🔥 M1 FINANCE Investing- Free $10 (once you deposit at least $100 within 30 days) Here's a video on how to use M1 Finance ...

Early Retirement: Utilizing the Roth IRA Conversion Ladder

Join the Private Financial Independence Community here: Join the Private Financial Independence Community for monthly private live streams, video calls (with myself and the community), as well as access to a discord group where we talk all things money (and a lot more): Check Out My Recommendations (It helps support the channel): 🔥 M1 FINANCE Investing- Free $10 (once you deposit at least $100 within 30 days) Here's a video on how to use M1 Finance 📝 Empower (previously called "Personal Capital")- Free Net Worth Tracker & Retirement Planner 🔒 AURA - 14 day free trial to see if your personal information has been leaked online 💎 WEBULL - Up to 12 Free Stocks When You Deposit Any Amount Of Money 💵 ROBINHOOD - 1 Free Stock Join the Private Financial Independence Community for monthly private live streams, video calls (with myself and the community), as well as access to a discord group w...

The Path to Millionaire Status: Our Journey with Index Funds at Vanguard, Schwab, & Fidelity

▸▸▸Enroll in our 365 Days to F.I.R.E. Program! - Enrollment is now open for our class of 2024, 365 Days to F.I.R.E. program! As part of the program, you will get to attend our 2024 meetups in Portugal (with more than 500 people attending the meetups this year!), get assigned daily FIRE tasks to complete, participate in live monthly Q&A sessions with us, be broken into smaller accountability groups with other people in the program, attend quarterly book club meetings, get personal coaching from us (for those in the coaching plan) . . . and more!!! Enroll today! ▸▸▸Enroll in our Stock Market Investing Course for Financial Independence and Retiring Early: Enroll in our new 21 module, 4-plus hour stock market investing course with more than 30 handouts of summary notes, homework assignments, and resources. Learn how to research and select investments, how to determine your asset allocation, how to rebalance your portfolio, how to optimize your investments for tax purposes,...

Creating a $1 Million TSP Investment Portfolio: Understanding the TSP Allocation Strategy

What is the right TSP allocation for your retirement? How much should you allocate your contribution and employer match to the C Fund, S Fund, or I Fund? Private Group Coaching with Psy ➡️ 🤳 Psy on TikTok, Facebook, Instagram 🤳 📖 Get Your Free Financial Spreadsheets and Resources 📖 ➡️ 👨‍🏫 Free Financial Coaching 👩‍🏫 Schedule a free 20-minute Individual Coaching Session Schedule a free 30-minute Couple's Coaching Session ➡️ 📧 Email: 📖 What’s on my display shelf? 📖 ➡️ For sponsorships and business inquiries ➡️ 📷 Additional FIRE Videos Mentioned In this Video 📷 Our $3.7 Mil Fat FIRE Plan - How We're Saving 70% of Income (2023) - My $1.1 Mil Fat FIRE Progress (Sep 2022) - How to Become an Ordinary Millionaire - How to Start F.I.R.E -...

Strategies for Early Retirement and Pension Plans: What Should You Consider?

In today's video, we are sharing Our Plan to Retire Early in 2024, which includes our Pension Plan. The question is, what should we do? This video is all about our plan to retire early and our Financial Independence Journey, especially what to do with Pension Plans during our Financial Independence Journey. Do you have a pension plan? Do you have a plan to Retire Early? Let's talk about our Financial Independence and Early Retirement. Links discussed on this video: ►Financial Independence Books: ►Canadian Retirement Income Calculator: ►The Canadian Association of Pension Supervisory Authorities (CAPSA): (this opens a PDF file) 🔥 Financial Independence Retire Early (FIRE) Resources ►Start your Journey to Financial Independence by opening an account with Wealthsimple trade: ►Looking for an Independent Portfolio Research and don't know where to start? ►Financial Independence Books: 💰 Our Net Worth Calculation Spreadsheet ►Download...

Achieving Financial Independence in Less Than 10 Years: Essential Investment Accounts

▸▸▸Enroll in our Stock Market Investing Course for Financial Independence and Retiring Early: Enroll in our new 21 module, 4-plus hour stock market investing course with more than 30 handouts of summary notes, homework assignments, and resources. Learn how to research and select investments, how to determine your asset allocation, how to rebalance your portfolio, how to optimize your investments for tax purposes, how to automate your investments, and much more (including a 19-page Investment Plan to work on)! ▸▸▸Enroll in our FIRE Master Class: This FIRE Master Class is designed for people interested in pursuing financial independence and retiring early. In the Master Class, we explain how to live off of your investments during early retirement; how to withdraw money from your investment accounts to support your living expenses during retirement; how to calculate your FIRE number; new and creative ways that you can save money; new side hustles for making money; how to inv...

A Guide to Achieving TSP Millionaire Status: Insights for Government Employees and Military Personnel

Is it possible to grow your TSP to seven figures? Did you know there are over 113,000 TSP investors in the TSP millionaire club? One of the accounts is worth $11 million. Is it possible to become a TSP millionaire as a career government employee? 👨‍🏫 1:1 Financial Coaching 👩‍🏫 Schedule a free 20-minute 1:1 Coaching Session Schedule a free 30-minute 1:2 Couple's Coaching Session ➡️ Introductory Forum: 📧 Email: 📖 Get Your Free Financial Spreadsheets and Resources 📖 ➡️ 📷 2022 New Year's Resolutions Video Series📷 Part 1: How to Build Your First Emergency Fund - Part 2: How to pay off debt quickly - Part 3: How to Build a Retirement Portfolio - Part 4: How to Create a Pay Yourself First Budget for FIRE - 📷 Additional FIRE Videos 📷 Our $2.8 mil Fat FIRE Plan - How We save 60% of our Income - Our $1 mil Dividend...

Health Savings Account Investing: Revealing the Facts for Achieving Financial Independence

***Lively has started charging $24 or forces you to hold a minimum of $3,000 in their HSA. Due to this change, I do NOT recommend them any longer. Please do not use this company. A Fidelity HSA is currently free at this time*** An HSA (Health Savings Account) is one of the best investment accounts available to someone pursuing Financial Independence or Early Retirement. Although the name has "health savings" in it you should treat it like a "health investment" account to get the full benefits they offer. Someone who isn't pursuing FIRE can still take advantage of the benefits as well. When you use an HSA account you get access to triple tax savings. Not only do you avoid paying taxes when the money goes into the account, but you also skip out on paying taxes on the growth of your investments and when money is withdrawn from the account. The fact that you're able to invest money within an HSA is another added bonus as well. If you instead use thi...