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Showing posts with the label FXAIX

Rephrased: "Strategizing my Roth IRA for 2023"

Please SUBSCRIBE, LIKE, and COMMENT to support this channel - It puts a smile on my face :) Also, please SHARE this video!!! It really helps out a lot. I really appreciate it! And Thanks For Watching Subscribe ➜ UC_d5DHn3zcscnBsXjrFaJ5A Dividend Video You Might Enjoy ➜ Share this Video ➜ Keep Track of your trades with this investing Journal Investing Journal 📓📓📓: to keep track of your trades Videos You Might Like: Fidelity Top 3 Index Funds: How To Create A Well Balanced Portfolio: ROTH IRA Millionaire: #rothira DISCLAIMER: This Video is strictly for entertainment purposes only. I'm not a financial advisor. Any Investments my involve risk so seek provisional help if needed. This is just my opinion. While all persons associated directly or indirectly with this YOUTUBE channel, site and video use their best efforts in preparing the content, there is no express or implied representations or warranty with respec...

My Vanguard & Fidelity Index Fund Portfolios

Are you ready to master your money and achieve financial freedom? Well, you have come to the right place. Moki Finance is all about maximizing our investment dollars so that they can go further. I have made it my life's mission to educate people about money because true freedom comes with financial freedom. *Disclaimer* I am not a licensed financial advisor or planner. The recommendations I give are solely for educational purposes only. Please consider your personal objectives before investing. All investments require risk and potential loss of capital. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results. Remember, “there is no such thing as a free lunch.” Vanguard recommendation 60% VTSAX 20%VTIAX 20% VSIAX Note: This is my equity recommendation, add VBTLX per your determined asset allocation Fidelity recommendations 60% FSKAX 20% FTIHX 20% FISVX Note: This is my equity recommendation, add FXNAX per your determined asset allocation THE MOKI FINANCE PODCAST ► ...

Three Index Fund Portfolio in 2023

Are you ready to master your money and achieve financial freedom? Well, you have come to the right place. Moki Finance is all about maximizing our investment dollars so that they can go further. I have made it my life's mission to educate people about money because true freedom comes with financial freedom. *Disclaimer* I am not a licensed financial advisor or planner. The recommendations I give are solely for educational purposes only. Please consider your personal objectives before investing. All investments require risk and potential loss of capital. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results. Remember, “there is no such thing as a free lunch.” Vanguard recommendation 60% VTSAX 20%VTIAX 20% VSIAX Note: This is my equity recommendation, add VBTLX per your determined asset allocation Fidelity recommendations 60% FSKAX 20% FTIHX 20% FISVX Note: This is my equity recommendation, add FXNAX per your determined asset allocation THE MOKI FINANCE PODCAST ► ...