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Showing posts with the label FamilySponsorship

Spousal Sponsorship from inside Canada explained -video#1

**UPDATE**: Just an important update to the info on my videos: when I sent the application, in August 2013, the Case Processing Centre for sponsorship applications made from inside Canada was in Vegreville, Alberta. In the meantime, CIC changed that and now, all sponsorship applications must be sent to the Case Processing Center in Mississauga, Ontario (which before only processed the first part of sponsorship applications made from outside Canada). I recently received a letter from CIC stating my application was transferred to Mississauga, Ontario, which is now the Case processing Centre responsible for sponsorship applications made from inside Canada, as well. So, if you are in the process of applying for family sponsorship from inside Canada, please send your application to the Case Processing Centre in Mississauga, Ontario (address is on their document checklist, updated in January 2014) and not to Vegreville, Alberta. I'm a Portuguese citizen, living in Canada an...