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Showing posts with the label FamilyWealth

Avoid a 50% Penalty and Tax by Calculating Your RMD Correctly for Your Inherited IRA in the 2022 Year-End.

Have you inherited an IRA? Did the person die before January 1, 2020? If so, a new required minimum distribution table has been published, making the calculations much more complicated. To ensure the RMD for your inherited account(s), we recommend getting in touch with your financial professional, so you don’t get penalized! Want to set up a meeting with Richard or Angela to discuss your RDMs? Schedule a free consultation now! Getting started is easy. Visit our calendar and pick a day and time that works for you. That’s it! Del Monte Group has been in business for over 35 years, cultivating relationships and building a family of lifelong clients just like you. If you need help navigating life challenges, are seeking smart, resourceful planning, or just want to find confidence and peace of mind, get in touch. We’re always here to help at 925.736.6410,, or Angela at YOU’RE INVESTED, AND SO ARE WE™. If yo...

An IRA is Free Money! The Government Gives You Money to Invest in Your Future. Really.

#Invest #Money #Retirement #TaxStrategy The government provides for its citizens to save #money for retirement. In doing so, people save money on taxes so there is an incentive in doing so. In effect, the government gives you free money for investing in your own future. An #IRA is just simply - a tax favored investment allowed by the government for its people. You put in money, get a tax deduction (save on taxes), don't have to pay taxes now (tax deferred), but do when you pull the money out (taxable event). Based upon your circumstances it may help you to get #rich. #Fidelity and #Vanguard tell you to invest in them but you really should understand the basics of what an IRA is before doing so. Updated information with more details about this video and other essential topics: Don't forget to subscribe to the channel and give this video a thumbs up! Hit that bell icon so you get a notification every time...

Small Business Retirement Plan - A Place of Possibility Podcast

Being a small business owner, working for a small business owner, or even being self-employed certainly has its perks, but there is also more of a thought process behind benefits like medical coverage, for instance, or more specifically, in our case, retirement plans. In fact, when it comes to small businesses, putting money away for retirement is even more crucial because you don’t have access to your typical 401k plans. You’re pretty much on your own. The good news? There are quite a few options to explore. So, are wonderful and others, eh, not the greatest, but that’s what we’re here for. In today’s episode, we will discuss all the options out there, ranging from the simplest to the most complex plans. Saving for retirement is super important, and we want to help you get it right. So grab our Know Your Possibilities Guide, find a quiet spot, and hit the play button. It’s time to get your small business retirement plan in check. Catch you in podcast land! A Glance a...