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Showing posts with the label FiatMoney

Inflation & Our Immoral Money System Require a Bitter Pill

Record inflation is hurting millions of American families. But despite these recent symptoms, inflation is the result of a longstanding and immoral money system that benefits the powerful at the expense of everyone else. In this episode, Paul interviews Executive Senior Editor of The New American magazine Steve Bonta, who discusses the difficult but doable path to restoring our wretched money system. Bonta makes clear that the remedy is a bitter pill. But it’s nothing compared to what lies ahead if Americans don’t wake and address our corrupt money system. Don’t miss this episode! Read Bonta’s story “Destroying the Money” in The Great Reset & Transhumanism collector’s edition bookazine @ Learn about the Federal Reserve’s role in inflation @ Apply for John Birch Society membership and join us in our epic undertaking to restore America @ ▶️ More Related Videos - Tyranny’s Kryptonite: The U.S. Constitution. - How Inflation Steals From The Middle Class W...