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Showing posts with the label FinanceLiteracy

NerdWallet: Exploring Global Budget Travel and Letting Go of Financial Advisors

Sean Pyles and Liz Weston are joined by Travel Nerd Meghan Coyle to learn how to travel abroad on a budget - from budget airlines when traveling internationally to watching for hidden fees. They then discuss how to part ways with a financial advisor whose services are unsatisfactory. Suggested Articles: Should You Fly on International Budget Airlines?: How to Find a Financial Advisor Near You: FIRE Movement: Financial Independence, Retire Early: #NerdWallet #SmartMoneyPodcast #FinancePodcast Subscribe to NerdWallet - About NerdWallet: We’re NerdWallet. And we’re not your typical finance company. We believe that everyone should be able to make financial decisions with confidence. We’ve built a team of Nerds with the knowledge, passion, and skills to make that happen. Thanks to our Nerdy experts, see side-by-side comparisons and objective reviews of the best credit cards, bank accounts, and so much more — so you can get even more financial clarity. It’s the smartest d...

Understanding the Concepts of Inflation, Stagflation, and Deflation

#shorts Inflation, Stagflation and Deflation References: LinkedIn: Twitter: Web: #VijayMohan #InvestmentInsights #shorts DISCLAIMER: The content of this video is my own opinions and is for information purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for professional financial advice. It is only intended to provide education about investments.... ( read more ) LEARN ABOUT: Investing During Inflation REVEALED: Best Investment During Inflation HOW TO INVEST IN GOLD: Gold IRA Investing HOW TO INVEST IN SILVER: Silver IRA Investing Inflation, Stagflation, and Deflation: Understanding the Dynamics Economic stability is crucial for the growth and development of any nation. However, the complex nature of the global economy means that fluctuations and changes are inevitable. Three key economic phenomena that economists often study and analyze are inflation, stagflation, and deflation. Understanding these concepts is important for policymakers, busine...

NerdWallet's Guide: Clever Strategies for Saving on Disney Trips and Building Retirement Funds as a Self-Employed Individidual

Welcome to NerdWallet’s Smart Money podcast, where we answer your real-world money questions. In this episode: Learn Nerdy tips to plan a Disney vacation without going broke, and how to choose a retirement plan when self-employed. Suggested Articles: 9 Free or Cheap Things to Do at Disney World Outside the Theme Parks: What Is a SIMPLE IRA Plan? How It Works, Rules & FAQs: Mega Backdoor Roths: How They Work: Chapters: 01:08 - This Week in Your Money 13:00 - Today’s Money Question 29:04 - Takeaway Tips #NerdWallet #SmartMoneyPodcast #DisneyTravelDay Subscribe to NerdWallet - About Smart Money Podcast: Get smart about your personal finances—with help from the Nerds. From answering your real-world money questions to breaking down the latest personal finance news, NerdWallet’s in-house Nerds will give you the clarity you need to make smart decisions with confidence, avoid throwing money away on common pitfalls and penalties, and ensure your money is always working a...

ą®Ÿைą®Ÿிą®²் ą®‡ą®©ி ą®µą®°ி 401K, ą®®ெą®•ா ą®Ŗேą®•் ą®°ாą®¤் & ą®Øிą®¤ி ą®¤ேą®°்ą®µுą®•ą®³் (ą®ą®šி ą®µாą®“்ą®•்ą®•ை ą®¤ிą®°ுą®¤்ą®¤ ą®¤ொą®Ÿą®•்ą®• ą®¤ொą®Ÿą®°் - 3)

What is After Tax 401K? How is it different from Roth 401K? What is Mega backdoor Roth? How do we choose the funds for our 401K? Explained in Tamil with english subtitles. 00:00 Intro 00:30 After Tax 401K Vs Roth 401K 01:23 After Tax 401K Vs Brokerage 02:51 Mega Backdoor Roth 04:24 Other 401K Notes 04:47 Required Minimum Distribution 05:28 401K Inheritance 06:12 401K Fund Selection 07:57 Self Directed Brokerage References: Related Episodes: 401K Explained: Roth 401K Vs Pretax 401K: IRA/Roth IRA: Tax Saving Priorities in USA: USA College Savings plan - 529: USA College expenses: LinkedIn: Twitter: Web: #VijayMohan #InvestmentInsights #AfterTax401K #401KFundSelection #MegaBackdoorRoth DISCLAIMER: The content of this video is my own opinions and is for information purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for professional financial advice. It is only intended to provide education about investments.... ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT: IRA Accoun...

401K Explained in ą®¤ą®®ிą®“் (US Retirement Series - 1)

What is 401K? What are all its benefits? US retirement plan 401K is explained in Tamil with English subtitles. 00:00 Intro 00:43 What is 401K? 01:03 Contribution Limit 01:29 Employer Match 02:17 Vesting Schedule 03:20 Advantages 03:49 Tax bracket explained 04:26 Marginal Tax Vs Effective Tax 05:48 Tax deferred compounding Tools: Sheet used in this episode: Instructions to copy the file: If you are using mobile, click the three dots in the top right corner, then export & Share and then make a copy. That will copy the file to your account so that you can edit. If you are in a desktop computer, go to File - Make a Copy to copy the file. References: Related Episodes: Roth 401K: After Tax 401K: IRA/Roth IRA: Tax Saving Priorities in USA: USA College Savings plan - 529: USA College expenses: LinkedIn: Twitter: Web: #VijayMohan #InvestmentInsights #401K #USRetirement DISCLAIMER: The content of this video is my own opinions and is for information purposes only...