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Showing posts with the label ForeignTaxCredit

WCI Podcast #273 - Tax Credits and Passive vs. Actively Managed Funds

In this episode Dr. Dahle discusses tax credits, foreign tax credits, insurance tax code changes and how a 7702 is not something we are excited about at WCI. We talk about Roth conversions during retirement and a host of other topics. We also have a husband and wife doctor duo on the podcast. They are guests we have had before and the creators of the online course Zero to Freedom that will teach you all about cash flowing real estate properties. See full show notes here: SoFi has exclusive rates and offers for medical professionals, which could help you save thousands by refinancing your student loans. If you're still in residency, SoFi offers a lowered interest rate and the ability to reduce your payment to just $100 per month while in school. If you're out of residency, SoFi's great rates could help you save money and get on the road to financial freedom. Check out their payment plans and interest rates at SoFi student loans are originated by SoFi Bank, N.A. ...