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Showing posts with the label GermanyFallsintoRecession

Germany's Recession: What Does It Mean for India? Is it a Positive or Negative Development?

#Germany #Recession #India @WorldAffairsUnacademy Germany Falls into Recession | How will this impact India? Is it good news or bad news? | By Prashant Dhawan #geopolitics #worldaffairs #prashantdhawan #worldaffairscurrentaffairs #hotissue #recentnews #breakingnews #unacademy #unacademycurrentaffairs #currentIssue Free SSC test every Sunday, enrol free by using PD10 - Free BANK test every Sunday, enrol free by using PD10 - Official Instagram channel - Link of the Playlist: Telegram Channel - 🚀 Goal Subscription Page: 🚀 Goal Special Class Page: 🚀 Goal Combat Page: 🚀 iOS: 🚀Android: 🚀Subscribe Today: 👉🏻 SSC Exams Combat Link: 👉🏻 SSC Special Class Link: 👉🏻 Subscribe Today: 👉🏻 Subscribe Today: 👉 Bugs Bounty Program Submission Form: Top educators are teaching live on Unacadem...