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WCI Podcast #286 - Comparing Retirement Accounts

Today we are answering your questions about retirement accounts. We discuss SEP IRAs, Roth IRAs versus traditional, 403(b) versus 457(b) and more. We also answer some questions about pregnancy and healthcare and comparing safer investments. We have three guests on today from one of our recommended financial advisors, Personal Choice Financial Advisors. They will tackle a few of your questions to help you get a sense of who they are. This episode is sponsored by First Republic Bank. When you own a professional service business, client satisfaction is your number one priority. So when it’s your turn to be the client, shouldn’t you get the same kind of treatment? At First Republic, you’ll be paired with a dedicated business banker who understands the unique needs of your company and industry. This is the banking partnership you and your team deserve. Visit today to learn more. Member FDIC, Equal Housing Lender. The White Coat Investor has been helping doctors with their money...