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Showing posts with the label HappenstoRothcontributions

Quick Guide: Understanding the Fate of Your Money in a Roth IRA [Episode 7] #shorts

What happens to your money when you contribute to a Roth? How does money in your Roth grow? ▶ Like this video? Subscribe! Simple Schools TV teaches practical life skills in short, free educational videos for adults. Starting with money. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VIDEO TEXT: 0:00 Intro We last talked rich people talk about taxes. Namely, how a Roth can help you avoid taxes on the sweet profits that your contributions may make while in your account. When you put your money in, you don't necessarily just get the same amount out. 0:12 How can I help money grow in a Roth IRA? Inside of a Roth you have the option to invest your money. You can invest in stocks, bonds, mutual funds, ETFs – you get the picture. Whatever is publicly traded. Depending on where you open your account, you can own alternative investments like real estate. 0:26 What if I don't want to invest my Roth IRA contributions? If you don’...