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Showing posts with the label Howcanwebenefitfrominflation

Seize the Opportunity of Inflation: Take Action and Save Money

Inflation= Opportunity. There are upsides to inflation. Sure, inflation increases uncertainty and that makes people feel bad. But we're going to flip the script. We’ve got 3 ways to take advantage of inflation. In this video we’ll talk about how you can take the focus away from “I feel bad,” and switch the focus to “I’m making best use of the situation.” You’ll learn how to act on the things you can control. First tip: travel overseas. The dollar is high and other currencies are low. It’s like Europe is on sale. Thinking about traveling to a country close to the Ukraine? That’s probably even cheaper! The euro and the dollar about even now. It’s a great time to travel to Europe. Cruises are totally on sale. A lot of times the smart money is on what everyone doesn’t feel like doing now. Second Tip: Buy where inventories—retailers have more inventories on certain items. Check out sales on patio furniture, fridges, cell phones, and TVs. It’s a good time ...