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Showing posts with the label Howtocreateataxfreeretirementincome

Increase Retirement Income: Maximizing Tax-Free Earnings

When you enter into retirement, you’re no longer going to have that company paycheck coming in. It’s a new world and one that you have to be emotionally and financially ready for. Without that steady income stream from work, people most commonly rely on income from their investments. Depending on where you’ve been saving, your money will likely come out of an IRA or a 401(k) and those withdrawals will be subject to tax. Based on the amount of debt our country is facing right now, where do you think taxes are going in the future? If tax rates go up in the future, that will effectively lower your retirement income when it comes time to pull money from those accounts. In this video, we’re going to address a question we get all the time by sharing six ways on how to get more tax-free income in your retirement. #retirementplanning #taxfreeretirement #taxplanning Here's what we cover in this financial video: 0:00 – Intro 1:31 – Making Roth contributions 3:07 – Contribut...