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Showing posts with the label Howwillinflationimpactthestockmarket

Warren Buffett: How Inflation Will Impact the Stock Market (2021)

It's no secret that Inflation is top of mind for investors right now. As prices for housing, lumber, copper, steel, and countless other commodities and goods increase at the fastest rate in years, it is natural for an investor to wonder about how inflation can impact the stock market and the economy. This raised two very important questions for me that I needed to learn more about: #1: how will inflation affect the future returns of the stock market, and #2: how will inflation impact the stocks that I own within my portfolio? To learn more about this, I turned to a pair of investors that have lived through countless economic cycles and periods of elevated inflation: the legends themselves, Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger. Now let's take a look at these two clips of Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger in 2003 and 2019 explaining how inflation impacts the stock market as they are just as relevant now than ever before. Make sure to like this video and subscribe to the c...