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Showing posts with the label IRABeneficiaryTrusts

Trusts for IRA Beneficiaries

For more information, please contact us at This educational video about IRA Beneficiary Trusts was produced by California estate planning & elder law attorney Randall F. Kaiden. This video talks about IRA Beneficiary Trusts. Despite what many people believe, you can name a trust as the beneficiary of an IRA and STILL stretch out the distributions from that IRA for a very long time. Such trusts are called conduit or see-through trusts. One must be careful when they set up (i.e. an attorney drafts) this type of trust but its unique advantages outweigh the complexities. For example, with this type of trust, you can provide for both a spouse after you pass away as well as your children from a prior relationship. Without it, one or the other, could end up with none of that IRA. And as of 2014, under the Supreme Court decision in Clark v. Rameker, inherited IRAs are no longer protected from creditors! But with an IRA Retirement Trust, you can stretch out retirement accounts w...