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Could a recession be looming in the near future?

Invesco global market strategist Brian Levitt gives his take on the state of the economy on 'Barron's Roundtable.' Subscribe to Fox Business! Watch more Fox Business Video: Watch Fox Business Network Live: FOX Business Network (FBN) is a financial news channel delivering real-time information across all platforms that impact both Main Street and Wall Street. Headquartered in New York - the business capital of the world - FBN launched in October 2007 and is one of the leading business networks on television, having topped CNBC in Business Day viewers for the second consecutive year in 2018. The network is available in nearly 80 million homes in all markets across the United States. Owned by FOX Corporation, FBN is a unit of FOX News Media and has bureaus in Chicago, Los Angeles, and Washington, D.C. Follow Fox Business on Facebook: Follow Fox Business on Twitter: Follow Fox Business on Instagram: ... ( read more ) BREAKING: Recession News L...

Discussing Roth IRA Contributions for Couples Utilizing the Foreign Earned Income Exclusion

[ Offshore Tax ] Let's Talk About Roth IRA Contributions for Couples Using FEIE The Backdoor Roth IRA is a strategy that high earners use to convert a traditional IRA into a Roth IRA. This strategy allows them to make contributions to an IRA, roll it over to a Roth IRA, or convert the entire IRA to a Roth. The Backdoor Roth IRA strategy is a legal method to circumvent the income limits that typically prevent high earners from owning Roth IRAs. This strategy is not a tax dodge. While establishing a Backdoor Roth IRA may incur higher taxes initially, it offers the future tax savings associated with a Roth account. Moreover, the Backdoor Roth IRA strategy can be advantageous for individuals who anticipate having leftover funds in their traditional IRA. They can transfer these funds to their heirs through a Roth IRA. TIMESTAMPS: 0:00 INTRO 1:00 Roth IRA Contributions for Couples Using FEIE 2:00 Funding IRA and convert to ROTH 3:48 OUTRO --------------------------------...

Pro Tip for Maximizing Benefits of Self-Directed IRA

Pro tip about #SelfDirectedIRA just do what the wealthy do #PlayTheIRSGame 🤑😉... ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT: IRA Accounts TRANSFER IRA TO GOLD: Gold IRA Account TRANSFER IRA TO SILVER: Silver IRA Account REVEALED: Best Gold Backed IRA Pro Tip: Understanding the Benefits of a Self-Directed IRA Saving for retirement is a top priority for many individuals, and finding the most effective way to do so is crucial. While traditional IRAs and 401(k)s are undoubtedly popular choices, a lesser-known option that is gaining traction is the Self-Directed IRA (SDIRA). This innovative retirement savings vehicle allows individuals to have greater control over their investments and potentially maximize their returns. In this article, we will explore the benefits of a Self-Directed IRA and offer a pro tip on how to make the most of this retirement savings strategy. One of the main advantages of a Self-Directed IRA is the flexibility i...

Avoid this investment mistake with your self-directed IRA: Real estate investing.

Attorney Jeff Watson explains the importance of conducting due diligence on real estate investments using your self directed IRA.... ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT: IRA Accounts TRANSFER IRA TO GOLD: Gold IRA Account TRANSFER IRA TO SILVER: Silver IRA Account REVEALED: Best Gold Backed IRA Don't Make This Investment Mistake with Your Self-Directed IRA: Real Estate Investing Real estate investing has long been hailed as a lucrative and reliable avenue for building wealth. With the advent of self-directed Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs), investors now have the opportunity to include real estate investments within their retirement portfolios. However, there’s one major mistake that individuals should avoid when venturing into the realm of real estate with their self-directed IRAs. Before delving into this potential pitfall, let's first briefly explore the concept of self-directed IRAs. Unlike traditional IRAs that limit investment choices t...

The Stock Market is Not Performing Well This Year - Perfect Timing for a Backdoor IRA

今年股市不好,正适合做backdoor IRA ******************************************************************************************* 大家好!欢迎通过如下链接加入会员“谈钱也谈情”(Money & Life):会员福利包括会员专属视频、频道更新等等。谢谢大家的支持和鼓励! 如果您想“和我一起来谈钱”,欢迎写电邮到 来信请在标题注明“访谈”。正文内容请大致介绍您在哪方面有心得体会/经验教训/投资机会/理财历程,或其它一切跟钱有关系的有趣有料的话题。嘉宾不限纽约,我们可以远程face-time/电话会议等等。谢谢! 如果您想帮我把频道做的更好,欢迎点击如下链接打赏/One time Donation - Thank you! Get free stock(s) from Webull (zero commission on stock and option trading; IRA accounts and more) by opening an account and depositing any amount today. Account opening Link: 美股券商微牛:在中国也可以交易美股!除中国、美国用户之外,还支持马来西亚、菲律宾、印度的用户。开户并入金 (无佣金股票、期权交易;IRA账户;中英文界面) 就可获免费股票(仅限美国用户)。不管你用不用,可以先拿了免费股票再说!开户链接: 推荐书目清单/Reading List ... ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT: IRA Accounts CONVERT IRA TO GOLD: Gold IRA Account CONVERT IRA TO SILVER: Silver IRA Account REVEALED: Best Gold Backed IRA This Year's Stock Market Woes Make It a Perfect Time for Backdoor IRA As the year prog...

第225期:Roth IRA提取资金需等待5年吗?如何处理通过backdoor转入的资金?解题挑战,答对请举手(下)

第225期:Roth IRA取钱到底要不要等够5年?Roth里面有backdoor转过来的钱怎么办?给你出道题,做对的请举手(下) 往期相关视频链接: 第224期:Roth IRA取钱到底要不要等够5年?什么情况要交税和罚金?CARES法案有什么变化? 第223期:今年要做Roth IRA conversion/Backdoor IRA?你要知道的几个陷阱 第61期:什么是 Backdoor Roth IRA? (Roth Rollover; Conversion; Transfer) 上期 第133期:Backdoor IRA 下期:Backdoor IRA 会不会被双税?Backdoor IRA的计算及税务筹划 第132期:Roth IRA 取钱规则:到底要不要等够5年?腾出时间回复网友评论 相关链接: 关于Roth IRA取钱的税务问题和8606表: CAREs 法案IRS的相关Q&A ***************************************************************************************************** 大家好!欢迎通过如下链接加入会员“谈钱也谈情”(Money & Life):会员福利包括会员专属视频、频道更新等等。谢谢大家的支持和鼓励! 如果您想“和我一起来谈钱”,欢迎写电邮到 来信请在标题注明“访谈”。正文内容请大致介绍您在哪方面有心得体会/经验教训/投资机会/理财历程,或其它一切跟钱有关系的有趣有料的话题。嘉宾不限纽约,我们可以远程face-time/电话会议等等。谢谢! 如果您想帮我把频道做的更好,欢迎点击如下链接打赏/One time Donation - Thank you! Get a free stock from Webull (zero commission on stock and option trading; IRA accounts and more) by opening an account and depositing any amount today. Account opening Link: 美股券商微牛:在中国也可以交易美股...

Adam's Insight: Maximize Security with the Best Self-Directed IRA Audit Protection

Investopedia has ranked IRA Financial as the top provider of IRS audit protection for self-directed IRAs. In today's episode, the founder of IRA Financial, Adam Bergman, Esq. discusses what exactly we do to protect our clients from audits. -- Learn about the Self-Directed IRA: Learn more about IRA audits: -- Discover more videos by IRA Financial: Subscribe to our channel: -- About IRA Financial: IRA Financial Group was founded by Adam Bergman, a former tax and ERISA attorney who worked at some of the largest law firms. During his years of practice, he noticed that many of his clients were not even aware that they can use an IRA or 401(k) plan to make alternative asset investments, such as real estate. He created IRA Financial to help educate retirement account holders about the benefits of self-directed retirement plan solutions. IRA Financial is a retirement account facilitator, document filing, and do-it yourself document service, not a law firm. IRA Financia...

Millions Lose 401(k) Deduction as New IRS Changes are Detailed in Brief Video

Starting in 2024, those aged 50 and older will not be able to make a catch-up contribution to their 401K plan in the amount of $7,500. In 2023, the maximum allowed to a 401K plan is $22,500. If you are 50 and older, you can contribute an additional $7,500 - known as a catch-up. Remember, contributions made to a 401K reduce your wages which are subject to income tax. So this is the benefit that you’ll be missing. Instead, in 2024, those aged 50 and older can make a contribution of up to $7,500 to their Roth IRA. Remember, ROTH IRA accounts grow tax free and you can withdraw the money once you receach a certain age and don’t have to pay taxes on the original contribution or appreciation of those assets. #shorts #IRS #IRSchanges #retirementsavings #401k #financialplanning #retirementplanning #personalfinance #retirementgoals #investmenttips #financialfreedom #retirementstrategy #401kplan #savingsgoals #wealthmanagement #retirementadvice #financialgoals #moneymanagement...

Should more regulation be the solution to bank failures?

Rep. Bill Huizenga, R-Mi., discusses the fed raising interest rates by 25 basis points on ‘The Bottom Line.’ Subscribe to Fox Business! Watch more Fox Business Video: Watch Fox Business Network Live: FOX Business Network (FBN) is a financial news channel delivering real-time information across all platforms that impact both Main Street and Wall Street. Headquartered in New York — the business capital of the world — FBN launched in October 2007 and is one of the leading business networks on television, having topped CNBC in Business Day viewers for the second consecutive year in 2018. The network is available in nearly 80 million homes in all markets across the United States. Owned by FOX Corporation, FBN is a unit of FOX News Media and has bureaus in Chicago, Los Angeles, and Washington, D.C. Follow Fox Business on Facebook: Follow Fox Business on Twitter: Follow Fox Business on Instagram: ... ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT: Bank Failures REVEALED: Best I...

The Phasing Out of a Well-Liked 401(k) Tax Break Explained | WSJ Your Money Briefing

Retirement savers who make “catch-up” contributions to their 401(k) account will lose an often-used tax deduction under new rules coming next year. WSJ’s Anne Tergesen joins host J.R. Whalen to discuss. 0:00 Catch-up contributions 1:05 Rule changes 1:36 Roth 401(k) vs. traditional 401(k) 3:02 Taxes on contributions 3:39 Financial planners’ advice 5:10 Estate planning Your Money Briefing WSJ's personal-finance podcast features the news that affects your money and what you do with it, breaking down complicated money questions from spending and saving to investing and taxes. For more episodes of WSJ's Your Money Briefing: #401k #Taxes #WSJ... ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT: IRA Accounts INVESTING IN A GOLD IRA: Gold IRA Account INVESTING IN A SILVER IRA: Silver IRA Account REVEALED: Best Gold Backed IRA Why This Popular 401(k) Tax Break Is Going Away: A Closer Look by WSJ Your Money Briefing The 401(k) tax break has long been a favorite amo...


报税季到了,大家免不了被会计师催着开Traditional IRA,或者往里面存放金额。但是Traditional IRA是否真的那么合算呢?这就要看小伙伴们自己的取舍了! 菌菌将分享不同种类的IRA哪种赚的更多?省税更多? 内容包括: 1. IRA是什么? 2. 开它的意义是什么? 3. 谁可以开IRA? 4. IRA有什么限制? 存放限制、取出限制、IRA罚金、Roth 5-Year Rule 5. IRA的种类和区别? 6. 推荐用哪种IRA? 7. 4个做Roth的好处 8. 收入太高还能做Roth IRA吗? ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬纯福利▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ✅每周一:美股推荐+理财视频 ✅每周三篇:投资理财干货文章 尽在下面菌菌的网站👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 💻网站 ► 💰 报名投资理财规划 ► 💵 领取免费股票 ► 📫联系方式 ► ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 菌菌会继续向大家分享投资、理财、和风险管理的方法~ 让投资理财视频不再只是看热闹,而是让大家意识到问题,并提供可实施的方法解决问题! 🙋 🙋‍♂️希望大家踊跃与菌菌互动,菌菌会尽力回答每一个问题。也可以留言告诉菌菌你想看的内容哦!... ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT: IRA Accounts CONVERTING IRA TO GOLD: Gold IRA Account CONVERTING IRA TO SILVER: Silver IRA Account REVEALED: Best Gold Backed IRA 【Complete Guide to IRAs】Types of IRAs? Which One...

Latest News: IRS, NFTs, and Their Impact on Your IRA

On March 21, 2023, the Treasury Department and the IRS issued Notice 2023-27 which announces that they are soliciting feedback for upcoming guidance regarding the tax treatment of a nonfungible token (NFT) as a collectible under the tax law. The Notice states that the IRS intends to issue guidance that treats certain NFTs as collectibles for purposes of IRC Section 408(m). It outlines the approach the IRS is considering and asks for comments by June 19, 2023. For retirement account investors, the determination of whether an NFT is crucial as to whether the asset can be purchased by a retirement account . On this episode of Adam Live, IRA Financial founder, Adam Bergman, Esq. will discuss the new Notice, explain what NFTs are, and walk you through the new “look-through analysis" that may help determine whether an NFT is a collectible, and thus, a prohibited investment with your retirement account . Join us LIVE on Monday, March 27th at 12:45PM EDT! -- Read more abou...

Can I open an IRA or Roth IRA while residing in France?

[ Offshore Tax ] Can I open an IRA or Roth IRA while living in France? Yes, a U.S. citizen living abroad can have both a traditional and/or Roth IRA. The restrictions only apply to making contributions. So, if you had an existing IRA before you moved abroad, you don’t have to get rid of it or transfer assets, but you may not be able to add to it while you’re overseas. TIMESTAMPS: 0:00 INTRO 0:10 Opening ROTH or IRA in France 1:30 Taxable income in France for US ex-pats 3:00 Using VPN for accounts 4:30 Financial advisors advice 5:50 OUTRO ------------------------------------------ OUR CHANNEL OFFERS: - Updated daily, we help 6, 7, and 8-figure International Entrepreneurs, Expats, Digital Nomads, and Investors legally minimize their global tax burden and protect their wealth. - Join Amazon's best-selling author, Derren Joseph, in exploring the offshore financial world. SUBSCRIBE TO OUR CHANNEL FOR MORE FREE INFORMATION: ------------------------------------------------...

TurboTax Simplifies the Process of a Backdoor Roth IRA

In this video we go over how to report a Backdoor Roth IRA contribution on your tax return using the TurboTax software online. We go over the Form 8606 on the tax return to report the nondeductible traditional IRA contribution, then converting the traditional IRA to the Roth produces a Form 1099-R with a code 2 which we then report on the tax return. 800-245-0596 --------------------------- Amount of Roth IRA Contributions That You Can Make for 2022: Amount of Roth IRA Contributions That You Can Make for 2023: /// Disclaimer: The information provided in this video is for informational purposes only and is not meant to take the place of professional legal, accounting, or financial advice. If you have any legal questions about this video or the subjects discussed, or any other legal matter, you should consult with an attorney or tax professional in your jurisdiction (i.e. where you live). #turbotax #rothira #backdoor... ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT: IRA Ac...