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Showing posts with the label IRSremindsthoseoverage72tostartwithdrawalsfromIRAsandretirementplanstoavoidpenalties

Avoid Penalties: IRS Urges Individuals Over 72 to Initiate Withdrawals from IRAs and Retirement Plans

IRS reminds those over age 72 to start withdrawals from IRAs and retirement plans to avoid penalties The Internal Revenue Service today reminded those who were born in 1950 or earlier that funds in their retirement plans and individual retirement arrangements face important upcoming deadlines for required minimum distributions to avoid penalties. Required minimum distributions, or RMDs, are minimum amounts that many retirement plan and IRA account owners must generally withdraw annually after they reach age 72. Account owners can delay taking their first RMD until April 1 following the later of the calendar year they reach age 72 or, in a workplace retirement plan, retire. RMDs are taxable income and may be subject to penalities if not timely taken. IRAs: The RMD rules require traditional IRA, and SEP, SARSEP, and SIMPLE IRA account holders to begin taking distributions at age 72, even if they're still working. Account holders reaching age 72 in 2022 must take their ...