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Showing posts with the label Investinavarietyofways

Maximizing Your Roth IRA and 401k: Tips and Tricks for Optimal Financial Gain

Are you curious how to make the most out of your Roth IRA and 401k? If not, you should be! Having a good investing process that you can use in your Roth IRA and get matched by your employer in your 401k is monumental for building wealth and saving for retirement. Watch the video above for more! 0:00 What to do with your 401k? 1:35 Roth IRA vs Traditional IRA 2:25 Calculating what you need for retirement 4:48 Why you need to look at retirement this far 6:32 Major changes coming to Social Security 7:29 Invest in a variety of ways! #rothira #401k #valueinvesting Join the community of like-minded investors: OR _____________________________________________________ ⚠️ By watching videos posted on Everything Money’s YouTube channel and/or using, you acknowledge that you have read, understand, and agree to the following: Everything Money is Not an Investment Advisor: Everything Money (including Paul, Mo, and Seth) is not an investment adviser...